Monday, 11 November 2013

Hello ... !!

Hello to everyone out there in Addiscombe Young Writers land.  Just thought I would let you know I haven't forgotten you.  I am still waiting for the forms from the library and unfortunately they will not let the sessions resume until these have been completed.  I emailed and asked the other day and was told they are still waiting for them. They are  very excited about the group re-starting and I am going to try and work towards a January relaunch, so keep one eye on this blog.  In the meantime, please keep your young scribes scribbling - and if anyone needs any help or advice, drop me a line.
Good Writing.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Looking Good ...

Looking good for the Young Writer sessions, at the moment, everyone.  Have had an email from the Ashburton Library in Shirley Road and they have said they are happy for the sessions to start up again there. There is just a couple of forms for me to fill out and as soon as they are in place, I will let you know when the first session will be.  This is really exciting because I think being in the library, surrounded by books, will give a new lease of life to the group and it would be much easier, I would think, to then get Guest Speakers in. 
Plus I think the Young Writers themselves will be very inspired.  I know I will be.  So keep an eye on the blog for further news but when I get the dates, I will email, text or write to as many of you as I can, anyway.

One other quick thing to mention.  I am still holding on to prizes for the winners of the Mothers Day competition winners and I would like to ensure the children receive these.  I also have an awful lot of their work - assignment sheets and session sheets - which I would very much like to return to them.  Once we know the session dates, perhaps you could come along and collect all this, even if your children do not want to be regular members anymore...

Finally, please let me know dates of autumn or Christmas Fairs coming up so I can sell copies of Word Magic.  And if you would like to buy copies to give as Christmas Presents, let me know ASAP so I can get them out to you in plenty of time.  Once Steve and I have recouped our final £60.00, we can start donating to charity just as we originally planned, but I do need your help with this so any response would be very gratefully received.

Good Writing!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Hi everyone.  What a pity we have lost our lovely venue at PMT.  I feel terrible for Amanda and Clark because they put so much into that place.  It must have felt like a real kick in the teeth to just have to let it go, although I know it was stressing Amanda out quite a bit in the end.  But fear not oh mighty carriers of the pen!  Several mums texted me and suggested we approach the library next to Oasis School in Shirley Road and I did this earlier today.  I spoke to the head librarian there and told her of our dilemma and she does not think it will be a problem to switch the sessions to there.  All I have to do is send her an email which she will pass on to "the people upstairs" and I should find out fairly soon whether or not we can go ahead, and if so, when we can start.  I will do that this weekend and get back to you all.

In the meantime, please give the Young Writers my love and tell them that, all being well, we should be able to pick it all up again sooner rather than later.

Watch this space ....

Thursday, 26 September 2013

See You Saturday ...

Hello everyone.  Looking forward to seeing you this Saturday (29th September) between 9.30 and 10.30 at PMT.  Be interesting to see if Saturdays work out better than Sundays.  I hope so because I so do not want to see the group fold!  Fingers crossed.

I hope the Young Writers are settling back into their school routine again.  It is always hard for the first week or so isn't it?  I have got a lot of new ideas for the group to take us into 2014 - a newsletter, a competition or two and some fresh Creative Writing areas to try and I hope they will enjoy it.  Perhaps those of you coming on Saturday could bring your Parent Questionnaires in because your feedback is so valuable.  Addiscombe Young Writers isn't my group.  It is their group - the Young Writers themselves.  And if ever I needed your support to keep it going, I need it now.

Please would you also consider purchasing some copies of Word Magic to give as Christmas gifts.  I am sure there must be some family and friends tucked away who would really appreciate a  copy. And please do let me know if there are any autumn or Christmas fairs coming up where we can sell copies from a stall.  It is really important the book is seen.  The children worked so hard on all the contributions that it would be a terrible shame for the book to go unread!

Don't forget to bring along any younger siblings on Saturday.  It would be amazing to give them the same opportunities the older children have had since the group began.

Anyway - won't give too much away now, but please do pop along - and you can enjoy one of Amanda's delicious cup cakes as the Young Writers pick up their pens again.

Good writing.  Can't wait to see you!

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Onwards And Upwards

Hi everyone.  Have just spent an hour or so, texting, emailing or writing to all you mums and dads regarding the relaunch date for AYW so, just to confirm, the first session is on Saturday 28th September from 9.30 at PMT.   I know it still isn't perfect, but, hopefully, it will suit more of you than the Sunday sessions did - and don't forget, any younger siblings who might be interested that were too young last year, would be very welcome.

I have had a few ideas on how to take the group forward and one of these is to launch a bi-monthly newsletter featuring the children's work.  In the first place, I will launch a competition for the members to decide what they would like their Newsletter to be called, so hopefully, that will get us off to a good start.  I also thought it might be an idea to look at play writing, and also non-fiction, as they are both areas we haven't really touched on yet.  Plus making greetings cards.  I will be producing new Inspirational Sheets from time to time as well, where I will set some tasks for the Young Writers to tackle - nothing too strenuous - just things that will kick their Creativity into touch - something I have found that works very well with the young boy I have been privately coaching for the last six weeks or so.

If you can make it on 28th, please remember to bring your questionnaires in so I can make even more improvements.  And there is still time for the Young Writers to enter the Short Story Competition if they would like to as the closing date is not until 30th September.

I hope you have all had a great summer.  See you on 28th.
Good Writing!

Saturday, 24 August 2013


Sorry everyone - the first session for the new re-launched Writing Group will be on Saturday 28th September 9.30 - 10.30 not 7th as stated in last blog (at least not if I want to avoid being ostracized by my granddaughter whose 8th  birthday party falls on that day!!!).  I will send confirmation texts, emails or letters over the next day or two (did you see the Press Release in this week's Advertiser by the way?).  On 28th I will hand out a sheet with all forthcoming session dates on - right up till end of December when I will review it to take forward into 2014.

Have a lovely August Bank Holiday!!!

Thursday, 22 August 2013


Hi everyone.  Hope you are all enjoying your summer.  Here is just one more quick update then I'll be gone for a couple of weeks at least and leave you in peace.  Firstly I have had some great ideas about how to develop the group and I will go into these next blog.  Secondly, the first two dates for the new Saturday slot for the young writers are 9.30 - 10.30 at PMT on Saturday 7th and Saturday 28th September.  I will either text, email or write to you all over the next few days just to confirm this so we can crack on.  And finally, I hope you have all received your Parent Questionnaires and Summer Competition Sheet but if you haven't let me know ASAP and I will get them out to you again.  There are also extra copies of the competition sheet at PMT and at Ashburton Library.  That's it for now.  Be happy!

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Hi everyone, here is the first August blog as promised.  I hope you are all enjoying the spectacular summer we have been blessed with this year!  Even as I sit here in my study, the window is open, the fresh air is wafting through, a helicopter buzzes overhead, kids are playing outside and even the music from the fair at the park can be heard drifting on the breeze. This is how summer is meant to be and I love it!

Okay - first some really good news!  The article about the Young Writers has appeared in the September issue of Writing Magazine (on sale now at W H Smith) on Pages 60 and 61.  Although the editor did not use any of the group photos I sent him, the feature still reads well - and even has a front cover lead - so I am well chuffed with it and I just hope it encourages others to set up Young Writer groups.  I will bring a copy along to the next session to show any interested parties.

Secondly - some even better news! I finally got round to seeing Amanda this morning and we had a discussion about taking the group forward.  She is experiencing some problems with being able to open up on a Sunday at the moment - not her fault, I hasten to add - so the one August session I was hoping to hold will not now take place.  Instead, what we are going to do is re-launch the group starting in September - and we are going to try 9.30 to 10.30 on Saturday mornings!  This should make it much more accessible to everyone - including any younger siblings who may now be old enough (and interested enough) to join.  I am going to print off some flyers and let the local papers know and, hopefully, we will be able to regain the momentum we had a few months back.  Also, I am going to confirm a date with our proposed Guest Speaker (all will be revealed in time) and see if I can arrange some other "Specials" to take the group successfully into its second year.  This is a very exciting (and challenging) time for Addiscombe Young Writers - I want to breathe new life into it so that youngsters with a yen for Creative Writing can get a taste of it and enjoy it.  I know things have not been what they were but I was not going to let it go without a fight and - hopefully, the new arrangement will work for most of you.  We will still be holding two sessions a month and I am still accessible by blog, mobile or email so you can always get in touch with any ideas, comments or suggestions.

Finally a couple of other things. Firstly - I am going to post out the Parent Questionnaire and Competition Sheets on Monday and will extend the closing date of the competition to 30 September to give everyone a fair chance.   

Secondly - I wanted to let you know that I have not yet been able to donate any of the takings from Word Magic to our chosen Good Cause for two reasons.  One - husband Steve and I have not fully recovered what we paid for the book's production.  I think this is partly due to the fact that some new members whose work was included, left before I was able to collect their contribution to costs.  It may also be that I just miscalculated.  Either way, we are coming up £60 short.  And two - and this is the real posterial pain - we have not between us, been able to actually sell one single copy!!!!!  So I am calling on all of you to help.  If you want to buy copies to give to relations as Christmas presents, or to friends and family, or if your child's school is interested in buying any, just to show the kind of achievements the children have made, please let me know ASAP.  I cannot stress how important this is.  The Young Writers worked really hard.  To be published at such young ages ( some were only 6 when the book was first put together) - they deserve all the recognition they get.  I know we are all incredibly proud of them.  It was a community project so please help me to get it out into the community - maybe the church has an autumn or Christmas fair coming up?  Please let me know how you can help - and we will soon get the children's work into the Public consciousness, I know it!

I will blog again in a couple of weeks just to let you all know the date of the September re-launch, but in the meantime, enjoy the rest of the summer. 

Good Writing, everyone!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Session In The Park - Feedback

It was a lovely summer's afternoon when the Young Writers met at Ashburton Park in Lower Addiscombe Road.  Numbers were down as I expected them to be, but I am sure that those who were able to make it got something out of it.  I suggested they sit and listen for a few moments and then write a list of all the sounds around them.  Then I asked them to look at all the colours and list those.  This is an excellent exercise to carry out in the outdoors because our own perceptions are much higher, not only because we are outside, but also because we are not inside where our perceptions are blocked to a degree by the walls and ceilings surrounding us.  It is a great tool if you want to write poetry about nature, or summer holidays because outside there is no limit to our imaginations, no ceilings or walls to hold us back.  It really does make a difference. 

Once the lists were done I asked the Young Writers to use at least some of the words  from their lists in a short poem or story. I am quite happy for them to work on this all through the summer holidays since I did not set a specific assignment due to the peak holiday season.  I will hold one session at some point in August and I will let you know when next time I write a post for this blog.

After 45 minutes of diligent work - which could not have been easy given the lure of the swings and roundabouts - the youngsters went off to exert some energy and the grown-ups squeezed onto Lisa's picnic blanket for half an hour or so just to chat.  I gave out copies of the Parent Questionnaire and also information about the Big Short Story Competition which is open until 1st September.  I will be dropping copies of the competition sheets at PMT and also at local libraries over the course of the next week or so, and posting out the questionnaires as I really need some feedback from yourselves in order to take the group forward.  This is imperative if I am to continually improve the group so please please do your best to fill them out and either drop them at PMT or post them back to me; I'd really appreciate it.

All that remains to be said now is have a great summer, enjoy your holidays and day trips - and we will see you in September.

Good writing!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

See You In The Park ...

Well - it looks as if the good weather is going to continue so I thought I'd remind everyone that this Sunday - 21st July - will see the Young Writers' session take place at Ashburton Park, Lower Addiscombe Road, between 3 and 4.  There is a play area to the rear of the park and I thought we could meet there to start with.  Don't forget that your children can bring any completed assignments with them to hand in.  It would also be a good idea to bring along any drinks, hats, sunscreen - and maybe some snacky bits like crisps or crackers to keep them going.  The idea behind this is not only to socialise (as with the Polka Theatre trip), but also to look, listen, sniff and write about what we are hearing, seeing and feeling out in the open air.  Please drop me a text if you can't make it but hopefully at least some of you can.

I will bring along all the work I seem to have accumulated over the past couple of months to give back - and also some certificates still waiting to be awarded - and the prizes for the Mother's Day Poetry Competition.  I shall also bring a short Parent Questionnaire and details of the AYW Short Story Competition.

As I said in the last Post, there will be only one other session this summer - around mid-August (tbc) and then - hopefully, in September, we can get back on a more regular footing, with regular sessions once again in place to help your Talented Scribes further develop their Creative Writing skills.

The article about the group looks likely to appear in the September issue of Writing Magazine (available mid-August), so I will keep a look out for that and let you know for sure.

Finally I would like to wish you all a very long, hot, sunny and pleasurable summer.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Session In The Park ... (or Not)

Hi everyone.  Here I am - back from two lovely weeks in lovely Ireland.  I feel well rested and refreshed and I have a lot of Young Writers admin to do so I will be busy over the next few nights.  The first - and most important - thing to do is update the blog, so I am seated at my desk, in my study, window open to allow access to any passing evening breezes, and raring to go.
First thing I need to do is let you know that a little birdie has told me that the Norwood Festival finale takes place this weekend on Woodside Green and finishes on Sunday.  Because of this I have moved the Session In The Park to Sunday 21st July rather than this Sunday so that there is more chance of getting a bigger group.  If it rains on 21st, we will be at PMT as usual 3 - 4.  Please let me know if your young writer can make it as that will be the last main session before the summer break.  As I said before, there is likely to be one session in August - just to keep our toes in the door - and then in September, once the new school year has begun, we will get back to the more regular get-togethers. And I am still hoping to get back to one weekly and one Sunday session per month so that everyone has a fair chance of getting along.

At the 21st July session, I will have the parent's questionnaire ready, as well as entry forms for the Big Young Writers Group story writing competition I mentioned a couple of blogs ago, so please please drop me a text if you can make it on that Sunday.  I also still have a number of prizes to give out for the poetry competition held back in March and it is very important I present these as the young winners earned them.

I know things have been a bit bumpy this year but I am still sure we can make this group work - and the exciting things is that the article I wrote about it looks most likely to appear in the September issue of Writing Magazine which is available mid-August time and I think that will also raise our profile a bit, so fingers crossed.

In the meantime, the invitation is still open for anyone to get in touch with me with any thoughts, ideas, comments or suggestions - but above all, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know about 21st.

Good writing!

Monday, 17 June 2013

Session 22 - Feedback

Yes - I know we didn't have a Session 22 exactly!  But here's a quick update anyway.  I was going to be collecting assignments about dads to tie in with father's day, so if your talented scribblers haven't had time to finish, they have got an extension to 14th July to get it done - that is a poem or story about dad, granddad or uncle.  What I was going to start looking at was short poems like haiku and tanka.  I thought it would be good to steer them away from fiction writing for a while, and most of them seem to enjoy writing poems.  Won't go into the rudiments of such poetry forms just yet; I will wait until I see everyone, but to get them in the mood, I think the next assignment should be to write a nature poem, either about the seasons, wildlife, flowers, clouds, animals, birds - whatever they like as long as the central theme is nature.  Here's a couple of mine from my book "Nature's Magic" which was published a few years back:


So many shades of green,
dark - almost brown,
bright - almost glowing.
Leaf by leaf.
Tree by tree.
Grass by grass.
Hedge by hedge.
In the distance,
the hills look
almost turquoise.
So many shades of green!
(c) J P Henderson-Long - 2004


I'm so excited,
I have to go,
the garden outside
is full of snow.
I run and play
then rush for a cuddle
after slipping into
a puddy muddle.
"A puddy muddle!" says my mum.
"A muddy puddle's
much more fun!"
(c) J P Henderson-Long - 2004

Please feel free to share these with the Young Writers so they get an idea of what I am looking for.

The next session will be from 3 - 4 on Sunday 14th July and it will be the Session in the Park (weather permitting).  Ashburton Park is only ten minutes down Lower Addiscombe Road (towards Elmers End) and there is loads of space to spread out and write and a good park to play in afterwards.  Bring along some snacks and drinks (and sun cream if it is really nice) to make something of an occasion of it, and maybe a picnic rug to sit on.  Naturally if it is raining we will meet at PMT as usual.  Should be good if we can have it in the park, though, so fingers crossed.

Think that is it for now.  I am off to Ireland on Saturday so will be gone for a couple of weeks - but you can still email or text me if you have to, I will have my beloved Nokia with me.

Once again, sorry about yesterday's session - but I am sure with their writing and enthusiasm, the members will soon make up for it.

Good writing everyone!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Sorry ...

Hi everyone.  Have tried to contact you all but in case I missed anyone, tomorrow's session has had to be cancelled as the coffee shop is being used for a private function.  I only found this out this morning or I'd have let you know sooner.  Next session will be (weather permitting) Picnic Session In The Park on Sunday 14th July - watch this space for details.  Once again - huge apologies.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Don't Forget ...

See you on Sunday  16th June at PMT, 3 - 4.  Looking forward to it.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Session 21 - Feedback (and a suggestion ...)

Nice session at PMT today. Great to see Teva and Oliver back and to welcome three possible new members - Eloise, Issi and Ella (I hope I have spelt those correctly).  I understand some of you are away because of Half Term so will hopefully see you at the next session which is Sunday 16th June (yes Dads - your big day) 3 - 4 as usual.

Today we were writing about our dads and the assignment was to take those ideas and put at least some of them into a poem.  No prizes for this one - but don't forget, all completed assignments count towards the next Certificate, so still worth having a go.  Since the next session actually falls on Father's Day, of course, I know you may not be able to make it, but even if the Young Writers have family commitments, they are still welcome to take part.

One of the things I suggested today was one of the July sessions being held in a local park (weather permitting, naturally), because sometimes, being in the fresh air, in different surroundings, heightens the senses - and to make it a special occasion, we could take drinks and snacks along and have a mini picnic.  And once the writing's done, there is always the swings etc to let off steam with.  Perhaps 14th July would be a good one because summer holidays will have begun by 28th.   And hopefully by the 14th, the weather will have settled down.

Now mums and dads I have been very seriously thinking about the best way to keep the momentum going with this group.  I am not prepared to give it up after everything the Young Writers have achieved and one of the possible ways forward would be to compromise on sessions.  Since we started doing the Sunday sessions, several new members have come along because they cannot make it during the week.  This is encouraging.  It means we are reaching even more youngsters than before.  But I also know Sundays are, by tradition, family days, with visits to grandparents, or days out planned, which makes it difficult for some of the Young Writers to attend. 

I have settled in well enough at my new job to perhaps wrangle it so that one session per month can go back to a weekday afternoon, and the other session each month can stay on a Sunday.  I know you are all rather shy and not over keen on being vocal, but it would sooooo help me out if you could come back to me with feedback on this idea ASAP.  You can text me, email or phone, or, if you prefer, pop a comment on at the end of this post.  Once I have your feedback, I will see what I can do and let you all know.  This may be the best way forward - ensuring that those youngsters that have been missing out since the Sunday sessions began, can once again get involved - and also that those youngsters unable to attend midweek because of other after schools activities, can stay with us and continue to develop their skills.

Did not get the chance to chat with Amanda yesterday, by the way, so still cannot confirm about the Guest Speaker but I will get back to you on this, at least, before very much longer.

Still have the prizes for the poetry competition to give out, so please let me know when you'll be there so I can make sure I bring them to the session.  And I completely forgot, today, to give back the work I have accumulated over the past few months, so please let me know when you will be around so I can make sure I have got it with me.

Don't forget you can contact me anytime and, in the meantime, Good Writing!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Sunday Session ...

Hello everyone.   Don't forget - the next AYW Session will be this Sunday (2 June) 3 - 4 and we will be talking about DADS - whose Big Day is on 16 June - plus Uncles and Grandads.  I will be giving out some Certificates and Prizes this Sunday plus - hopefully - returning lots of amazing work to your talented offspring, so please try to make it if you can, it would be brilliant to see you!  I will be giving out a new Update Sheet as well (watch out for an exciting announcement) so lots of good reasons to pop in for a coffee as the Young Writers get stuck in.

Need a favour from someone on Sunday, too.  The editor who is going to publish my article about AYW has asked for an accompanying photograph, so I will be bringing my camera along, so someone can take some shots as the group progresses.  Once I know when the article is going to appear, I will pass on the news.

Am hoping to catch up with Amanda on Saturday to clarify a few things but should hopefully have a couple of other announcements to make soon - all good stuff; nothing to worry about - and will of course let you all know as and when.

Looking forward to Sunday.  Good writing, everyone!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Session 20 - Feedback

Although it was a somewhat reduced Session on Sunday, all the enthusiasm shown by the Young Writers was still there in abundance.  To follow on from the sessions on Description and Character, we continued along the short story route and looked at all the different types of story there are.  I came up with six or eight themes and the children came up with at least five more so all credit to them for giving the subject so much consideration.  The Assignment is to write a short story using these themes, to be given in at the session on 2nd June, so if your children couldn't make it but would still like to give it a go, here is the list of themes: Ghost Stories, Horse Stories, Adventure, Dance, Sports, Animal, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Stories with a non-fiction theme (for example based on a real event), Mystery, Historic, Music and Spy.  There is no restriction on length and I have told the Young Writers that they can even mix the themes if they want to.  This is all good practice - and of course it allows the imagination full flow, so good luck to them with that.

Also on Sunday I was very proud to present a number of Young Writers with their Red Band One certificates for four completed assignments and I have a number if these still to give out, along with some Rainbow certificates for Word Magic.  If your Young Writer is unable to attend the Sunday Sessions because of family commitments, I really do understand, but I would be grateful if you can let me know ASAP so that I get their certificates (and quite a lot of their work as it turns out)  back to them.  Naturally, I would rather see them at the Sessions - even if it is only one a month, but as I have said all along, I know Sunday is not good for some of you.

The next session is on Sunday 2nd June, and the next few Sessions are pencilled in as follows: 16th June, 14th and 28th July.  We will probably hold just one Session in August like we did last year because of the peak holiday season - and then get back to the fortnightly ones once the new school year commences in September.

From 2nd June, we will be heading back to poetry for a while because I know it is what some of them find the easiest and most enjoyable subject and we haven't really done much since the Limericks at the beginning of the year.

Finally I would just like to mention that I have quite a lot of copies of Word Magic  still available so please see if you can sell some.  Are there any spring or summer fairs coming up?  That might be a good opening.  Please let me know the dates and I will even see if I can come along.  I got 200 copies done and would really appreciate any help to shift at least some of them so if you think you can, please either email me or leave a comment.  Don't forget you can always call my mobile, too, with any other suggestions or ideas.

Look forward to seeing you on 2nd June and, until then, Good Writing!

Friday, 10 May 2013

See You Sunday!!

Hello everyone.  Here is my usual reminder about the next AYW session which will be held this Sunday 3 - 4 as usual.  I know some of the boys are on a Cub Scout event but it would be nice to see as many other Young Writers there as possible.

Looking forfard to seeing you all.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Session 19 - Feedback

Hello everyone.  Wow!  What a thumper of a session we had at PMT today!  I was over the moon to see so many Young Writers there - fifteen in all - including our newest member Isabelle.  There was a real buzz in the air and the children worked their socks off!

Today's topic was creating Characters.  I used H C Andersen's Thumbelina and my own Yucketypoo characters to help the Young Writers get to grips with the subject.  I gave out some new Session worksheets which featured the following character names - Mr Quackers, Miss Clever, Billy Band and Debby Donut.  I suggested they think carefully about what - and who - these characters might be, including in appearance, habits, any family or pets, whether they were animal, vegetable or mineral - or indeed human.  In fact I gave the children completely free reign and then suggested they pass them to the person next to them to look at. Finally I told them to keep the Session sheets today so they could take them home and, for the assignment,  write a story featuring at least one of the characters plus a character of their own imagination.

In looking through the records, I am so pleased to see that, almost one year to the day since our first meeting (2 May 2012), we have covered the following subjects and topics - Story Ideas, Working With And Developing Those Ideas, Poems That Don't Rhyme, Book Reviews, Letter Writing, Holiday Diaries, Stories - length, the three key rules (beginning, middle and end) and subject matter, Self Awareness, Using Our Imaginations To Invent Recipes and Monsters, Character Identification, Limericks, Description, Fairy Tales, Stories For Boys/ Stories For Girls and Character Creation.  That is an amazing amount of info for these youngsters to absorb but absorb it they have - in abundance.  And I am so so SO proud of them.  Plus they have seen their work published, had some Local Paper Coverage - and even got a back-stage theatre tour out of it.  And virtually all of them have worked their way right through the Certificate Trail so a huge well done to each and every one of them.

Over the next few months - as long as the Sunday Sessions prove successful - I am hoping to cover some - if not all - of the following: Nature Poetry, Haiku, Dialogue, Sports Writing, Titles, Historic Fiction, Food Reviews, Plays, Story Poems and Science Fiction - so we have a bumper summer coming up.  I am also hoping to firm up at least one guest speaker, I just need to confirm some dates.

Finally - I was thrilled to be able to present two out of the three Prize-winner Certificates for the Mother's Day Poetry competition, and a whole bunch of Runner Up Certificates as well.  Actual prizes will be awarded over the next couple of sessions.  I will also be awarding the next bunch of Achievement Certitifcates the RED BAND ONE certificates, to those youngsters who have completed the last four assignments - so I have my work cut out for me.

Thanks are due to those of you today who asked how my new job is going, I really appreciate your support.

And thanks are due to EVERY one for helping to make the Addiscombe Young Writers' first year such a massive, MASSIVE success.

Good writing everyone - and here's to the next year.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Gentle Reminder

Don't forget we have our next session this Sunday between 3 and 4 at PMT.  Can't wait to see you all - and see how the animal stories have gone.  I do have the certificates for all those able to enter the Mother's Day competition - I just need to finalise production of the Cream Tea Voucher with Amanda; everything else is pretty much ready.

Will away now so this is only a short-short.

See you Sunday xx

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Session 18 - Feedback

Well - we had our first trial Sunday session last weekend and I was relieved that it was so well attended with eleven Young Writers in attendance, out of an average of twenty, so that wan't bad at all.  And big thank yous to all those who were able to come along.  As I said before, I know it isn't ideal for everyone but it is all I can do for the time being so we will have to keep an eye on it and see how it goes - and I appreciate your efforts, I really do.

The session itself went very well.  I wanted to try something a little different so I split them into two groups - girls and boys - then asked the boys to write a story for girls and vice versa.  This really tested them and several of them found it quite hard to get going - but at least they all eventually gave it a go.  I will be looking at their Session Sheets over the next few days and see how they fared.  The important thing is that they tried.  As I have said before, sometimes, as writers, we are dropped outside our comfort zones so it is always an idea to experiment with different themes and genres.  They worked so hard that I felt obliged to set a relatively simple Assignment which was to write an animal story so if your youngsters couldn't make it, but they want to have a go at that, it is fine.  If it could be brought in by the next session - which should be on 28th April, that would be fab.

I announced the Mother's Day Poetry Competition Winners on Sunday and they are as follows:
3rd Place goes to Caitlin for her poem "The Things My Mum Does Best".  2nd Place goes to Hannah for her poem "Mother" and 1st Place goes to Alessandro for his entry "A Lovely Place".  So well done you three.  I  explained to all the children that everyone else is a Runner Up and everyone  who entered will receive a Certificate of Achievement.  I will do my dead level best to get these ready for the next session but if I don't for some reason then they will definitely be ready for the one after that - date to be confirmed.

Think that is it for now but don't forget to come back to me with any comments or queries as all feedback is very welcome.  Good Writing everyone!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Sunday Session ...

Hello again everyone.  Just a little reminder that we have our first Sunday session this Sunday at 3pm at Amanda's.  As I said before, I can appreciate that not everyone will be able to come along to every session held on a Sunday, but if the Young Writers can manage to get to at least one in two each month, at least they can still be involved - and I am trying to firm up at least one surprise guest, so if nothing else, keep an eye on the Blog.

I have almost finished judging the poetry competition.  It has been much harder than I expected because all the entries are astonishing in their honesty and the overall standard has been incredibly high.  I will announce the winners on Sunday but the presentation of prizes will have to wait until at least the next session.  The prizes are as follows:  1st Prize - a free Cream Tea for the winner and his/her family at PMT (two adults and however many siblings), plus a whole batch of my published work, signed personally to the winner and, of course, the all important Gold Standard Certificate.  And I would, at this point,  like to thank Amanda for providing said Cream Tea, which will be presented as a Voucher.  2nd Prize - Signed copies of the two Yucketypoo books plus  the Silver Standard Certificate and finally, 3rd Prize - Signed  copy of the first Yucketypoo book, plus the Bronze Standard Certificate.  All other entrants will also receive a Certificate for taking part.   I will also speak to Amanda about all entries being exhibited at PMT at some point for everyone to see.  Big thank you to everyone who took part.  All will be revealed on Sunday.

Okay - better go - lots to do before Sunday!  Good writing everyone.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Grimm - It Was Not ...

Hello everyone.  Well, here I am back from our few days break in North Devon.  Okay - I admit it was very cold - but we had such a great time and the sun did actually shine a few times, so I think we were lucky!

Wanted to get straight onto the blog to thank everyone for helping to make the Polka trip such a huge success!  My greatest reward was hearing some of the Young Writers begging Snow White not to bite the poisoned apple.  I mean just how involved were they?  I am so delighted they managed to become so much a part of the stories performed - and for understanding the symbolisms used, such as the hands making wingbeats against the actors' chests to depict the birds.

I think the back stage tours were a great success as well and, now that I know it works, I will see if we can incorporate other trips during the year, so watch this space.

Finally - big thanks to all you mums and dads for being so supportive (especially the group hug at the very end, thank you Matthew!).  I couldn't have done this without you.

Have a great Easter everyone.  See you on 14th.

Good writing.

Jilly xx

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Session 17 - Feedback

Thank you to all those who managed to get to today's session at PMT.  Although there was not as many Young Writers present as last time, the enthusiasm was just as strong.  In preparation for Saturday's Polka trip, I read a shortened version of Grimm's "Hansel and Gretel" and asked the Young Writers to write an alternative ending.  I also had them guessing other Grimm titles and I was surprised at how many they knew.  I haven't read through the session sheets yet but I will do before our first trial Sunday session on April 14th.  The assignment set was for the children to write a brand new fairy story or folklore tale and I challenged them to really use their imaginations - and to remember all about description - so it will be interesting to see the results.

Final reminder about the Polka trip.  Amanda has said she will be around from 8.30 on Saturday morning so if you'd like to treat the kids to breakfast out, she is more than happy to accommodate.  If you don't make it to breakfast, then please make sure you are at PMT no later than 9.15 as we will be leaving at 9.30 on the dot.  That will give us a full hour to get there and an hour and a half before curtain up, so we should be there in plenty of time.  Please have your ticket money handy (£2.00 each) when we reach the theatre as they have to paid for at the box office when we arrive.  I  spoke with Fran earlier today at the Polka about the proposed back stage tours and she has asked me to nominate one other adult to help supervise the tours (as there isn't much room by all accounts), which we will do in two hits so, on this occasion, I will ask Lisa (Oliver's mum).  No offense intended to anyone else, but I could only choose one and Lisa's was the first name to come to mind and I hope that is ok.  Obviously those of you left behind can explore the cafe area and - hopefully - the teddy exhibition, and keep an eye on the rest of the children whilst the tours take place.  I estimate we should be back at PMT by around 2pm - give or take - which I hope is ok for everyone.

Here is a list of all those I am expecting - and please note that we have only got 23 tickets so we won't be able to cater for anyone else.  Please remember though that I am going to try and organise other trips so everyone should get their chance in due course.
Tomaso and Renata
Grace and Penny
Oliver and Lisa
Annika and Roberta
Danny, Cuan and Yvonne
Clint, Phoebe and Miriam
Hannah and Claire
Alessandro, Guilia and Katia
Luke and Lucy
Steve and I

Thank you to everyone who paid their contribution costs today.  I don't think there's more than a couple left outstanding so I will have a quick count-up over the weekend just to make sure.

Should have the Mother's Day Poetry competition results by 14th April as well.

Can't think of anything else offhand but if I do, I will add a little PS later.  All the best and Good Writing!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Quick Note ...

Hi everyone.  Just wanted to remind everyone that this week's session will be on Thursday instead of Wednesday, 3 till 4 as usual.  We then have the Polka trip on Saturday (children aged 6 and only over I am afraid, I checked with the theatre) and then - all being well (and I will confirm), the first trial Sunday will be on April 14th.  Once again I can only apologise if this doesn't suit everybody, but maybe a couple of months down the line, we can revert back to a weekday somehow, so please bear with me!

Also needed to add a gentle reminder that I am still collecting contributions towards the production of Word Magic.  If you cannot remember whether or not you have paid, please come and ask me on Thursday as I will have my receipt book which is a good record of all the contributions I have so far received (and thanks again to everyone who has brought theirs in).  There are still at least four outstanding and I would be very gratfeul if these could be handed in asap.  Have to keep the bank manager happy!

And talking of Word Magic, if anyone would like to sell copies on, please let me know how many you think you might need and any you don't sell can then come back to me.  Since we have had to hold off on the exhibition again - and therefore also the proposed launch - it seems silly not to get the book out after all the hard work the Young Writers put into it.  I am also going to ask Amanda if she could sell them.  And hopefully I will find time over the next few days to send out the proposed complimentary copies to various people; it is ridiculous how the threat of redundancy has played havoc with so many other aspects of my life, all of which I am now trying to run and catch up with!

And finally, I have had a sniff of interest from a publisher about a guide book I am proposing which could help other Young Writer groups to get set up, so fingers crossed for that.

See you thursday then - and Good Writing!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Session 16 - Feedback

Hi everyone.  Thank you for your patience.  There has been so much going on that I never seem to get five seconds to myself - let alone five minutes!  Never mind - here I am now, so let's get cracking.

Firstly - what a whopper of a session last Wednesday!  19 young writers!  Fantastic turnout so thank you all very much.  Last week, we looked at Descriptive Writing.  This is a very important foundation stone for any writer and is of course used in every genre, be it poetry, prose, non-fiction, fiction or plays.  I asked the Young Writers to describe PMT as the session exercise and then to describe their home for the assignment.  I asked them to remember things like colours, smells, sounds etc because all this helps to make things real for any readers in the future.  If these assignments can be handed in at the next session (see below) that would be great.

Thanks to everyone who entered the Mother's Day poetry competition.  It will take me a couple of weeks to read through these so please be patient with me.  As I explained to the children, there can only be three winners, but everyone who entered will get a certificate in recognition of their work.  Since this seems to have been such a huge success, I will plan a couple more over the rest of the year if possible.  I am looking forward to reading through the entries for this one, though, so once again, thank you.  And I hope you have all had a lovely Mothering Sunday!

Now a quick update on a couple of other things.  Regarding the Exhibition.  I am so sorry we have had to postpone this again.  With imminent redundancy hanging over my head, I have been tied up for a while as I try to get things back on track, and preparation for the exhibition fell by the wayside.  On top of that, Nicky the artist with whom we are sharing the exhibition, has been unwell, so it made sense to hold off for the time being.  It WILL happen at some point, I promise you, and I will make sure it goes with a bang when it does!

The trip to Polka Theatre on 23rd March has been confirmed.  We pay for the tickets upon arrival at the theatre.  We will meet at PMT on that day at around 9.15 to leave at 9.30.  The show begins at 11am and will run for 90 minutes which includes a 20 minute interval.  The Back Stage Tour will probably be done in two or three groups and takes about 15 minutes, but I know there is a Teddy display there and that there is a cafeteria, so it shouldn't be too long a wait for anybody.

And finally.  I have been lucky enough to secure another job when my current one ends which starts on Wednesday 3rd April.  The new job is 9 - 5, Monday to Friday, so Wednesday afternoon sessions for the Young Writers will come to an end.  Anxious to keep the momentum going, however, I have had a chat with Amanda and she has suggested we try Sunday afternoons, 3 - 4, for a couple of months and see how it pans out.  I hope this is all right for everyone but I will understand if it is doesn't suit everybody.  If it doesn't work out, we might have to fold, which I know we all feel would be a tragedy, especially with everything going so well.  Hopefully it won't come to that.  Let's give the Sundays a fair crack of the whip first, shall we?

Having said all that, there will be a session next week - but on Thursday 21st, usual time.  And we still have the Polka trip on 23rd.  Steve and I are actually away the week after that for a few days and, of course, I start my new job the week after that.  Plus Easter falls somewhere in the middle.  All being well, though, I should tentatively like to suggest our first Sunday session take place on Sunday 14th April, 3 - 4 at PMT.  And I will confirm that nearer the time, depending on any feedback from yourselves.  I do hope we can keep things going and will keep my fingers crossed.

I think that is everything for now.  Great to see you all last week and see you again next Thursday.  Till then - Good Writing!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Session 15 - Feedback

Forgot the children were on half-term holiday this week but had a good turn out anyway so thank you to those who managed to get along.  If one of you mums and dads can let me know the approximate dates for school holidays, I might adjust the session dates to match in future.  That way, nobody misses out.

Had a really good session today, despite the somewhat depleted numbers.  Thank you very much to everyone who has managed to pay their contribution to costs for Word Magic.  I think the bank manager may forgive me once I start paying it back in!  Anyway back to today's session.  Well, I took the Young Writers through the highly amusing world of limerick-writing, demonstrating their layout and rhyme-pattern with several such poems read from my favourite book of children's poetry (Poems For Young Children, Miles Kelly Publishing) and one I had knocked up earlier in the day.  It is actually quite a hard poetry form to explain.  Adults may understand whjen I describe it as having a rhtymn of rhyme that goes AABBA - but it took the children a little while to catch on.  Some of them seemed to click with it almost straight away.  A couple of them struggled a bit but got close.  One or two of them couldn't quite get their heads round it, but that's okay.  It'll come in time.

I gave out what complimentary copies of Word Magic that I could and also announced a Mother's Day poetry competition.  I left a wad of entry forms with Amanda along with some copies of a newsletter I'd put together and asked her to give them out, so if you want more details, she's your girl.

Couple of other things I wanted to mention.  Firstly, I have been in contact with the Polka Children's Theatre in Wimbledon following requests from the Young Writers for trips out.  They have a show running next month based on the writing of the Grimm's Fairy Tales and they have offered us up to 30 tickets at just £2.00 each.  The programme will run for approximately an hour and a half, with an interval, and the visit will conclude with a back-stage tour.  The only date I can make it is Saturday 23rd March and the show will begin at 11am.  Please let me know if you would like your children to attend.  I will also need a number of other grown-ups to help supervise.  Please contact me ASAP if you are interested.

Secondly, I thought it might be an idea to form a small committee to help run the group.  If you would like to volunteer for that, please let me know.

Finally, I did not set an assignment because of the competition but a couple of them requested one so I have asked for a short story.  Think that's about it for now.  Oh yes!  Next session is on Wednesday 6th March.  See you then.  Good Writing!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

It's A Kind Of MAGIC

Okay mums and dads (and anyone else passing through), I have now got, sitting in my living room,  200 pristine copies of Word Magic - the book written by your children.  It looks brilliant and I will be bringing the complimentary copies along next week.  Thought I'd also send some out to any local media I can find, Ashburton and Croydon Libraries and some local schools (so please send me the names of your childrens' school so I can get the correct contact details).  I think the Young Writers are going to be thrilled to bits when they see the books - and so will you (although I would welcome any contributions costs next week if at all possible to apease my bank manager)!

Hope you all managed to get copies of Tuesday's SLP and have seen the faces of Addiscombe Young Writers beaming up at you from Page 7, but if you didn't, don't worry.  I will bring a couple of copies along to next week's session, just as I promised.

And one more thing before I dash off - I have re-launched my own blog so please feel free to go and have a peruse if you're curious.  The link is   As usual, please come back to me with any comments and suggestions as always pleased to get feedback.  Till Wednesday then - Good Writing!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Grab Your SLP.....

Have you all seen yesterday's edition of the South London Press?  The Young Writers are on Page 7!  I was over the moon when I saw it and I know they will be thrilled to bits.  I will bring a copy along next week to show everyone but strongly advise you all to nip into the corner shop tomorrow and invest 50p in a copy.  Well done to all of them - they look amazing.

Hot on the trail of that came the Advertiser.  Yes - I finally heard from Glenn - who wants to run a story in next week's issue.  Glenn has apologised that the column idea seems to have gone cold but he wants to include the four pieces of work I initially sent him and has suggested the Young Writers write to the Letters Page occasionally.  If we send the letters directly to him, I am sure he will do his best to include what he can.  He wants to send a photographer along next week and has especially asked for Teva, Clint, Phoebe and Tomaso to be present as it is their work I initially sent (since I was working alphabetically which seemed fairest).  Having said that however he is over the moon that next week will see the children receiving their complimentary copies of Word Magic and I think he wants to give that a big plug.

Isn't life exciting!

Good writing!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Session 14 - Feedback

The Young Writers were amazing today!  I couldn't believe how well they all listened to everything and how beautifully behaved they were for the SLP photographer!  I am so proud to be associated with your children; I can't even begin to tell you all.  They are an amazing, inspiring and hugely talented bunch.  And so keen!  They truly are a credit to all you mums and dads!

The assignment set today arose from a reading from the first chapter of my book "The Tutstwaddle Ghosts", which was written some ten years ago and left in a drawer eversince.  The story is a short, comical adventure about how a group of kid-friendly ghosts try to hang onto the repuation of the Most Haunted Cottage In England when the cottage's mean and nasty owner Mrs Ellis decides to have the house knocked down and the area redeveloped.  The first chapter introduces all the main characters - ghosts of course - who are Clara, aka The Crying Girl, The Silver Lady, The Mad Monk (with his ball and chain), Twin One and Twin Two and Rasp, the ghost cat.  Clara also has a secret companion in Ted - an enchanted teddy bear.  The challenge to the young writers is to say what happens next.  I told them they could either use these characters, or invent their own.  It can either be funny or scary, told as a story, in a poem - or however they like.  The purpose of the exercise is to introduce them to 'formula writing' - which is when the idea is there to be developed by the writer - for example, when I wrote the jelly baby stories for Trebor Bassett back in the 80s.  Oliver told me he didn't want to write about the ghosts, which is fine.  I suggested another Star Wars story which elicited a smile!

Thank you to those parents who have already made their contribution towards printing costs of Word Magic - I will bring a receipt book with me to the session on 20th and make sure everyone gets one.

Sorry I didn't have time to pick the books up today.  I promise I will have them by next session.

All the best everyone - and good writing!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

More Exciting News ...

Hello again.  I know we have a session tomorrow but I really had to tell you some news.  Last week I nominated the group for a Local Heroes award, which is a scheme being run by the South London Press.  Today I had a long chat with a reporter called Nick Rutherford and he really wants to run a story on AYW - so much so that he has got a photographer coming to tomorrow's session.  As Addiscombe is just outside the SLP's normal area, he needs someone within that area to nominate it so I have asked Amanda as she lives just inside it.  I am not sure when the story will run but he was so enthusiastic that I have a feeling it will be fairly soon.  This is great news.  And if I can get to Cherrills tomorrow to pick up the books, even better.  I will do my very best but I have got quite a lot of other stuff going on so it may not be possible.  I promise I will try, though.  Talking about the book, I will be bringing the promised letter in tomorrow to hand out and would appreciate your contributuions by the next session, if possible, which is on 20th February. 

I have emailed Glenn at the Croydon Advertiser to ask for an update of when the AYW column is likely to start appearing and over the next couple of weekends, I will start to get the next four ready to go off to him.  Glenn hasn't come back to me yet but he did say, during his last email, that it would be soon, so fingers crossed for that one.

Finally, I am planning to put together a programme of session themes etc in time for the session on 20th February which I will pass out on the day.  I thought it might help the Young Writers to see a bit of structure.  I appreciate the feedback from Renata (please take a leaf out of her book  and make a comment - feedback is so important) and am going to also contact a couple of places where we may be able to take the Young Writers during the course of the next few months, so watch this space.

see you tomorrow then - and Good Writing.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Word Magic - Update

Hello everyone.  Hope all is well with you.  I wanted to do a quick blog with regards to our book and to let you know costs etc.  I have tonight signed off the latest proof of Word Magic so the books will go to print within the next few days.  I am SO excited about it, I can't even begin to tell you and I know you are all going to love it!  The book looks great and has a golden-yellow cover.

I ordered 200 copies and I received the proforma invoice a couple of days ago.  Total cost is £261.00, which equates to a unit price of around £1.30.  I want to price the book at £3.99 and we will donate around 15% from each copy to the St Mildreds Senior Citizens Group, which I hope you all approve of.  As far as contributions towards production is concerned, I am looking at around £15.00 per parent (as in mum OR dad not both) and figured that for £15.00, I could also give you two complimentary copies of the book (per child) - and if anyone wants to buy anymore that is okay.  By this reckoning, we should still have around 150 copies to sell and, if we sell them all, we will raise around £80 for our chosen good cause - and I think that's pretty damn good going.  And I thought that any revenue left over after sales could go towards the next book - and/or maybe some prizes for the Young Writers since I want to run a couple of competitions.What do you think?

I will put all this in a letter to be given out at next week's session - along with copies of the invoice - but in the meantime, let me know if you have any questions or queries or drop me any comments.  And well done to your amazingly talented children - who are about to become published authors.  Fact.


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Session 13 Feedback

Hello again everyone - told you I would be back before too long!  Big thank yous to everyone that turned up at Session 13.  I am so glad we held it last week because this week might have been a problem with all this snow!  It has not stopped snowing for twelve hours now and we already have drifts in our garden well over eight inches deep!  And I can see through my study window that it still continues to fall relentlessly. 

We had a brilliant session last week.  The exercise for the session was for the Young Writers to write me a letter telling me what they like, what they don't like and what they would like to see at Addiscombe Young Writers.  And I got some wonderful and candid replies, some of which utterly surprised me.  Many asked for books.  Lots of books.  This came as the biggest surprise since they must have to work with books at school and I have said all along that I don't want them to end up feeling that the sessions are just another lesson.  But at the same time it makes perfect sense because of course writers produce books - and most writers are also ferocious readers.  Another couple said they would prefer it if, on Writing days, only the young writers and their parents be allowed in during the session.  Amanda did actually say a few weeks back that she had been thinking of doing this so I will be talking with her soon to see if it is something we can actually do - without it having a negative affect on her business.  One youngster asked if we can start doing the Young Writers shout again - which of course we actually toned down somewhat when a couple of others found it a bit too intimidating.  Not sure how to tackle this one so please come back to me with your feedback.  It is their group so perhaps we should put it to the vote? 

There were a couple of other suggestions - one young man asked if we could go camping!  I explained to him that camping might not be possible but said some relevant trips out would be possible and he nodded very enthusiastically.  This I will have to get advice on as I am not sure where I would stand legally - but I am more than happy to look into it.  Maybe a trip to Harry Potter world at Pinewood Studios or a chance to meet some actors back stage at a local theatre?  Again I will look into all the ramifications and come back to you all.

Many of them also asked if they could read out their work and open it to discussion - and also if I would read more to them because hearing stories and poems might 'give ideas' which will help them with their own writing.  Reading aloud is something I should very much like to incorporate into the group but the accoustics don't really lend themselves too well to this(as my hoarse throat will testify)  - so maybe opening the sessions up to just the Young Writers and their families would actually work better?  I may try at Session 14 to sit them all on the floor in the play area and read aloud because the confined space might reduce outside noise.  All in all it was definitely a most worthwhile exercise and I am so pleased I asked for their feedback.  Now I shall just have to see where it all takes us!

The assignment set was for a story entitled "What I Will Do When I'm A Famous Author".  I set this because I want them to actually think like writers - since that is what they are - and I don't mind how imaginitive it is because part of being a writer is using one's imagination.  This assignment should be completed by Session 14 which is on 6th February.

Now a quick update on a few other things.  Firstly - the book.  The printer received the copy I emailed to him but, such is my system, the layout appeared completely wrong.  I am sending him our printed version (by recorded delivery)so that he can adjust it accordingly - or I may just go and see him on Wednesday since I am off that day (depending on the weather of course) and take it to him.  Once we have ironed out the wrinkles, he has said he will produce a copy which I will go through and proof-read.  Once that step is out of the way he can go ahead and print - and I will be letting you all know how much it has cost and inviting contributions - so that I can pay the invoice once I am happy with the finished product.  Secondly - the exhibition.  Amanda and I had a chat about this last week and we have tentatively pencilled in 11 - 15 March.  We are hoping to get the Croydon Mayor (as well as the Advertiser) along and I will bust a gut if I have to and try to find at least one other relevant guest.  And finally - the Advertiser column.  I haven't had a date from Glenn for the first one yet but I will keep chasing him - after all, it was his idea in the first place.  And as soon as I hear anything, I will let you know.

Finally I think the writers would truly benfit from a website of their own.  I have zero knowledge of this and would appreciate any help anyone can offer.  It would be a consistant way for them to see their work in print.  I know a lot of you read this blog (my aim is to hit 1000 visitors this year) which is great because it makes my job of keeping you all informed so much easier.  But very few of you seem tempted to write a comment and - if the group is to continue evolving - your comments are going to become an integeral part of things so please, don't be shy.  It isn't for me - it is for your talented children - and I would so appreciate your feedback.  All the best - and good writing.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Well - here we are in 2013.  Is it just me or do the years seem to fly by ever more quickly these days?  So may I wish each and every one of you all the very best for the New Year.  And here's to the successful continuation of Addiscombe Young Writers.

You will no doubt be very pleased to hear that I sent the first four coulmns off to Glenn at the Advertiser the other day.  He has promised the new column will begin 'in the next couple of weeks' so I am hoping that the first one will be in next week's issue (11th January) as that was the date he seemed to think it could start before, so fingers crossed.  As soon as I know I will update everyone anyway.

At the moment I anticipate that the first session of this year for the Young Writers will be on Wednesday 16th January, same time, same place.  I will, naturally, confirm that nearer the time, but I wanted the children to get back into their school routine before we started again and I know most go back next Monday (7th) so by the 16th, they should be ready for their new challenges,.

I am still outlining future plans for the Young Writers and - although these are far from cast in stone at this point in time - suffice it to say that I am having some new ideas (including the possibility of competitions) and promise to do a letter for you all once I have finalised a few things.

As far as the book is concerned, I am now in consultation with the printers and I will come back to you all with a more detailed update as soon as I can.

Finally I should just like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas gifts which are very much appreciated.

Keep your eyes on this blog because I'll be back to it before too long.  Till then - good writing!