Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Word Magic - Update

Hello everyone.  Hope all is well with you.  I wanted to do a quick blog with regards to our book and to let you know costs etc.  I have tonight signed off the latest proof of Word Magic so the books will go to print within the next few days.  I am SO excited about it, I can't even begin to tell you and I know you are all going to love it!  The book looks great and has a golden-yellow cover.

I ordered 200 copies and I received the proforma invoice a couple of days ago.  Total cost is £261.00, which equates to a unit price of around £1.30.  I want to price the book at £3.99 and we will donate around 15% from each copy to the St Mildreds Senior Citizens Group, which I hope you all approve of.  As far as contributions towards production is concerned, I am looking at around £15.00 per parent (as in mum OR dad not both) and figured that for £15.00, I could also give you two complimentary copies of the book (per child) - and if anyone wants to buy anymore that is okay.  By this reckoning, we should still have around 150 copies to sell and, if we sell them all, we will raise around £80 for our chosen good cause - and I think that's pretty damn good going.  And I thought that any revenue left over after sales could go towards the next book - and/or maybe some prizes for the Young Writers since I want to run a couple of competitions.What do you think?

I will put all this in a letter to be given out at next week's session - along with copies of the invoice - but in the meantime, let me know if you have any questions or queries or drop me any comments.  And well done to your amazingly talented children - who are about to become published authors.  Fact.


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