Although it was a somewhat reduced Session on Sunday, all the enthusiasm shown by the Young Writers was still there in abundance. To follow on from the sessions on Description and Character, we continued along the short story route and looked at all the different types of story there are. I came up with six or eight themes and the children came up with at least five more so all credit to them for giving the subject so much consideration. The Assignment is to write a short story using these themes, to be given in at the session on 2nd June, so if your children couldn't make it but would still like to give it a go, here is the list of themes: Ghost Stories, Horse Stories, Adventure, Dance, Sports, Animal, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Stories with a non-fiction theme (for example based on a real event), Mystery, Historic, Music and Spy. There is no restriction on length and I have told the Young Writers that they can even mix the themes if they want to. This is all good practice - and of course it allows the imagination full flow, so good luck to them with that.
Also on Sunday I was very proud to present a number of Young Writers with their Red Band One certificates for four completed assignments and I have a number if these still to give out, along with some Rainbow certificates for Word Magic. If your Young Writer is unable to attend the Sunday Sessions because of family commitments, I really do understand, but I would be grateful if you can let me know ASAP so that I get their certificates (and quite a lot of their work as it turns out) back to them. Naturally, I would rather see them at the Sessions - even if it is only one a month, but as I have said all along, I know Sunday is not good for some of you.
The next session is on Sunday 2nd June, and the next few Sessions are pencilled in as follows: 16th June, 14th and 28th July. We will probably hold just one Session in August like we did last year because of the peak holiday season - and then get back to the fortnightly ones once the new school year commences in September.
From 2nd June, we will be heading back to poetry for a while because I know it is what some of them find the easiest and most enjoyable subject and we haven't really done much since the Limericks at the beginning of the year.
Finally I would just like to mention that I have quite a lot of copies of Word Magic still available so please see if you can sell some. Are there any spring or summer fairs coming up? That might be a good opening. Please let me know the dates and I will even see if I can come along. I got 200 copies done and would really appreciate any help to shift at least some of them so if you think you can, please either email me or leave a comment. Don't forget you can always call my mobile, too, with any other suggestions or ideas.
Look forward to seeing you on 2nd June and, until then, Good Writing!
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