It was a lovely summer's afternoon when the Young Writers met at Ashburton Park in Lower Addiscombe Road. Numbers were down as I expected them to be, but I am sure that those who were able to make it got something out of it. I suggested they sit and listen for a few moments and then write a list of all the sounds around them. Then I asked them to look at all the colours and list those. This is an excellent exercise to carry out in the outdoors because our own perceptions are much higher, not only because we are outside, but also because we are not inside where our perceptions are blocked to a degree by the walls and ceilings surrounding us. It is a great tool if you want to write poetry about nature, or summer holidays because outside there is no limit to our imaginations, no ceilings or walls to hold us back. It really does make a difference.
Once the lists were done I asked the Young Writers to use at least some of the words from their lists in a short poem or story. I am quite happy for them to work on this all through the summer holidays since I did not set a specific assignment due to the peak holiday season. I will hold one session at some point in August and I will let you know when next time I write a post for this blog.
After 45 minutes of diligent work - which could not have been easy given the lure of the swings and roundabouts - the youngsters went off to exert some energy and the grown-ups squeezed onto Lisa's picnic blanket for half an hour or so just to chat. I gave out copies of the Parent Questionnaire and also information about the Big Short Story Competition which is open until 1st September. I will be dropping copies of the competition sheets at PMT and also at local libraries over the course of the next week or so, and posting out the questionnaires as I really need some feedback from yourselves in order to take the group forward. This is imperative if I am to continually improve the group so please please do your best to fill them out and either drop them at PMT or post them back to me; I'd really appreciate it.
All that remains to be said now is have a great summer, enjoy your holidays and day trips - and we will see you in September.
Good writing!
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