Well - we had our first trial Sunday session last weekend and I was relieved that it was so well attended with eleven Young Writers in attendance, out of an average of twenty, so that wan't bad at all. And big thank yous to all those who were able to come along. As I said before, I know it isn't ideal for everyone but it is all I can do for the time being so we will have to keep an eye on it and see how it goes - and I appreciate your efforts, I really do.
The session itself went very well. I wanted to try something a little different so I split them into two groups - girls and boys - then asked the boys to write a story for girls and vice versa. This really tested them and several of them found it quite hard to get going - but at least they all eventually gave it a go. I will be looking at their Session Sheets over the next few days and see how they fared. The important thing is that they tried. As I have said before, sometimes, as writers, we are dropped outside our comfort zones so it is always an idea to experiment with different themes and genres. They worked so hard that I felt obliged to set a relatively simple Assignment which was to write an animal story so if your youngsters couldn't make it, but they want to have a go at that, it is fine. If it could be brought in by the next session - which should be on 28th April, that would be fab.
I announced the Mother's Day Poetry Competition Winners on Sunday and they are as follows:
3rd Place goes to Caitlin for her poem "The Things My Mum Does Best". 2nd Place goes to Hannah for her poem "Mother" and 1st Place goes to Alessandro for his entry "A Lovely Place". So well done you three. I explained to all the children that everyone else is a Runner Up and everyone who entered will receive a Certificate of Achievement. I will do my dead level best to get these ready for the next session but if I don't for some reason then they will definitely be ready for the one after that - date to be confirmed.
Think that is it for now but don't forget to come back to me with any comments or queries as all feedback is very welcome. Good Writing everyone!
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