Monday, 30 November 2015

Don't Forget Ciaran's Visit ...

Local Writer Ciaran Murtagh is coming along to meet the Young Writers this Saturday, 5th December.  I know it is unusual to have week-on-week sessions but as I said before, this was the only way I could schedule in two December sessions and Ciaran so pray excuse.  After this week, it will be two weeks before the next on 19th December and we will be having a little party that day - with drinks and crisps and fruit so it would really help me out if you could confirm your Young Writer will be present on that day so I can make sure I have enough for everyone.  Could you all be angels and either comment on here, email or call my mobile?  At least then I can get some preparation in place!

Last week we were looking at haiku again.  This remarkable little poetry form  is always a huge favourite and I get so much pleasure out of it when the Young Writers actually grasp the whole syllable concept of 5-7-5 - especially when tackling it for the first time like most of those present last Saturday!  I knew it made sense when new member Shaan proudly told his mum his name has just one syllable when at the beginning of the session he hadn't even known what a syllable was let alone a haiku.  It made sense to him to call the format of 5-7-5 the code.  Since that clearly helped him to understand who was I to argue?  I congratulated him on his clever idea and called it a code for the rest of the session!

Don't forget their assignment last Saturday was to create two haiku of their own and I gave them all worksheets to refer to but if they do get stuck, don't hesitate to help them; this isn't like homework; it is just to help them progress through the Certificate Trail.  And they are all doing incredibly well, I promise you!

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday - don't forget to PLEASE let me know who will be there on 19th December.

Good writing everyone!

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