Tuesday, 17 November 2015


It was astonishing last Saturday when twelve children attended the AYW session at Ashburton Library!  It was a bit of a squeeze, but we managed round three tables and the library staff later said maybe they should allocate us four from now on!  The thing is of course that I don't know from one session to the next how many young writers will turn up!  Sometimes I only have six or seven - in which case four tables taken out of  library use would be a bit of a waste. Anyway, I think it is one of those things that has to be played by ear.  If I start getting twelve children regularly, session on session, then I might take up the library's offer.

On the subject of poetry, we are looking at Acrostic poems at the moment.  I passed round copies of a worksheet featuring the words FIREWORKS and BUNNY all set down the left hand side of the page and - as usual - the Young Writers delivered.  Their different perceptions of a single theme never cease to surprise me and it is so rewarding to see so many unique pieces of work coming from one or two trigger words!  The assignment set was to invent their own poem using the word BATHROOM so it'll be great to see what they come up with by next session!

After some collaboration with Sarah and Timothy, the new leaflet was finally handed round for the members to take along to their schools.   One lad optimistically asked for a copy for everyone in his class so if any further copies are needed, please drop me a line and let me know and I will print off another batch.

The next session is on 28th of November and then - unusually - there is also a session one week later on 5th December with the final session of the year being held on 19th December.  The dates immediately after Christmas are:

16th January
30th January
13th February
27th February
12th March and
19th March (to accommodate Easter)

But all dates will appear in the next edition of our new newsletter AYW ok which is out in January.

And speaking of Christmas - as one simply must at this time of year - presents this year will be designed to help with their writing aspirations - enough said; I don't want to spoil the surprise!

Think that's about it for now.  Congratulations to those who were presented with certificates last week by the way!  Good Writing all!

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