Thank you to those who came along to today's session. Falling in the wake of the Easter holidays, numbers were somewhat depleted. But two of those who did turn up were new members Ibrahim and Daniel, Big welcome to them and thank you for joining in your first session with such gusto! And thanks to the two Mums who brought you along who'd seen my entry on Netmums!
Today we looked at play-writing. We worked as a group. Moving round the table, I asked each member a question like Where would the play be set? What were the names of the characters? What time of day? Working round asking questions like this and then getting each member to imagine what they would say if the situation were real, they actually came up with a rather brilliant scenario! The story is that three children are playing in the school playground one sunny afternoon when a tremor topples a tree which catches one of the children as it falls. Our three children were Daniel, Isaac and Evie. Poor Isaac is the one who gets caught in the tree's branches and has a suspected broken leg. Evie runs to fetch a teacher and Daniel stays and tries to calm the distressed Isaac. When the teacher arrives, she calls an ambulance, Isaac is rescued and whisked off to hospital and the teacher calls his dad to let him know what has happened and the dad says he'll head straight to the hospital.
As I was relayed their ideas back to them in summary, their faces literally glowed with inspiration. This was their play, their characters, their story. It was all their work - all I did was facilitate it. They looked absolutely chuffed at the end of the session and so they should. I sent them home with the assignment to write the opening scene of the play in time for the session on April 25th!
Huge huge well done to everyone and I would love to see Daniel and Ibrahim return! And I can hardly wait to read any assignments brought back.
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