Monday, 27 April 2015

Keep Up the Great Work ...

Great session Saturday!  We continued to look at play-writing and ways to get ideas. I haven't had the chance yet to read any of the assignments but what I have seen of their efforts has impressed me no end.

Play-writing is not very easy if you are new to it and in all honesty I have seen several of the younger members struggle with this one.  The good thing is that they are confident enough to tell me if they don't get something and that makes me feel very reassured, as the last thing I want to do is alienate them or scare them off by making demands on their creativity which are out of their league. All credit to them though for giving it their best shot.  That shows enthusiasm and determination which would put a lot of grown-up people to shame so well done them!  I have seen just how hard they have worked and in fact, they have learned an important lesson because sometimes, we writers do get asked to write things that are out of our comfort zone!  So there you go.

I am going to introduce a new project this week which will, I hope, take us almost up to the summer holidays (it sounds like a long time but it is only actually around half a dozen sessions) and I think it is something they will particularly enjoy.  I will put a Plan Of Action together by Saturday's session when all will be revealed.

And yes, I did say Saturday's session.  I know it is unusual for the sessions to be held week on week but, because of other commitments I had to juggle the May dates to ensure the members get their two sessions in.  After this the next one will be on 16th May.  You should all have received your updates by now but if you haven't let me know.

Thanks due to Namoshi's parents for buying a copy of My Writer last week.  Don't forget to let me know if you would like a signed copy for your Writer and I will fetch it along to one of the next sessions; also PLEASE do let me know if your children's schools are holding fetes or fairs or table top sales over the coming months as I would be very happy to pay for a table so I can sell more copies.  And let your friends and relatives know about it.  Not only is it a romping good read, my hope is that it will inspire young writers (and those not so young) everywhere.

Thanks again for your continued support.

Good writing!

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