Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Good To Be Back...

I know we only missed a couple of sessions between July & September but I really felt it!  It was brilliant to be back on Saturday and to see some of the holiday diaries!  Well done to everyone who stood up to the challenge.

I explained to the members present about the exhibition and that I want them to write whatever they most enjoy just till the end of September.  We had some great poems to kick off with - keep those handy, Young Writers!    And with the exhibition in mind, I did not set an assignment this week.  I just told the youngsters to go home and write anything they like - book reviews, reports, stories, poems, letters.  Even plays as I saw Abbie getting really stuck into one during the session.  Play writing is something I have not covered before - primarily because of the age diversity of the group. I am none too sure the six-year olds would really grasp it.  But certainly anyone who wants to give it a go, please do so.  It actually might help me to work out an actual play writing session!

I remembered to hand out the certificates - well done to everyone.  I also remembered the comment slips and the Information sheet so hopefully you got them okay.  As far as the comment slips are concerned, please do not feel obliged to take part.  It just occurred to me that your opinions might tempt other potential members in.  If you do submit one it doesn't need to be more than a few words long.  Anyway I'd appreciate your feedback!

One of the members asked me on Saturday if she could draw some pictures to go with her poem. This idea was pounced on very enthusiastically by other members so I have offered to bring colouring pencils in future.  I seriously cannot see any harm in that, despite the fact I personally have no artistic abilities at all.  But a splash of colour would certainly add some body to the work on display, so we'll give it a go and see how it goes!

Well I think that's it for tonight.  That's Number 1 of my Writing List Of Things To Do ticked off.  Better get on with the next one now.

Keep writing!  It's so magical!

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