What a fab session we had last Saturday (27th September)! Ten youngsters again, including two new members so big welcomes to Olivia and Sanshana and thanks for joining. I hope you enjoyed your first session with us and will be back again for the next one which is on 11th October. And huge thanks to everyone for handing in so much work for the exhibition, which I will now go through meticulously over the next week and a half. Lots of comment slips too which is great so massive thanks all round really!
On Saturday I had everyone writing stories about Maddie Bear. I started it off with an opening sentence and then asked the Young Writers to finish the stories off. They worked almost feverishly for the next half hour or so and several that were handed in at the end were well over a page long!
What really surprised me (they never cease to surprise me actually) is the level of responsibility these children are now taking for their writing group! Two fantabulous ideas were thrown at me! Sophia asked if the members could take it in turns to take Maddie home and write something in a special Maddie exercise book. I was totally blown away by this idea. I understand now that they have done something similar at school but at the time it had never even crossed my mind to try a scheme like this! When I mentioned this idea to everyone they all got very excited so it will be great to see how it all pans out!
Phoebe asked me when the next Young Writer book can be put together - Word Magic 2 effectively - and I explained again that it is something I am considering for next year but a lot depends on whether I can raise the money (I am still out of pocket for the first one which may account for my caution). But this admittance threw them into another frenzy. One youngster suggested a raffle. Another suggested a jumble sale. Phoebe suggested a jumble sale at Bingham Park! For the second time that hour I was floored by their enthusiasm! And I really mean that. I have told them all I will look into all the possibilities - including sponsorship from local stores - and see what the options are, then I will get back to them after Christmas with some ideas.
One or two of the youngsters asked me how close they are to their next certificates. Since we have been preparing for the exhibition, I have not been setting assignments. But I am closely monitoring what is being produced and as a result of that several are due for their next certificates over the next couple of sessions,
For the benefit of our Newbies (and their grown-ups), let me just briefly explain about the Certificate Trail. All members receive a Blue membership certificate for joining. On completion of four written assignments, completed and returned to me for reading and comments, the next certificate is the Red one. On completion of another four assignments, the Purple one is awarded and the Rainbow one is awarded after a further four. The Rainbow one is the highest award. Once all the certificates have been earned, we start at Red again, but this will be a Red Band Two certificate which will distinguish it from the first Red and so on - Purple Band Two, Rainbow Band Two etc etc. It is very important that these certificates are kept safely because they do mark the progress of each young writer and gives them something to work towards. Seeing their own progress also keeps them focused - and gives the grown-ups something more to boast about! And why not! Their kids are amazing!
Anyway I think that is quite enough from me this week. Once again, huge thanks to all of you - Young Writers and grown-ups alike for your enthusiasm and feedback. Look our for the exhibition!
Good Writing.
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