Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Moving On ...

First of all I'd like to just remind everyone about this Saturday's Young Writer session at Ashburton Library.  This will be the last session of this school year and I am not expecting everyone to turn up. I know a lot of families go on their summer holidays as soon as the schools break up, so don't feel bad if you can't make it. The first session after the break is on 10th September and  I will have the next newsletter ready by then as well with all the new session dates on it.

Please please ensure you get all work intended for Word Magic 2 back to me this Saturday or your young authors may miss out which would be an horrendous shame after all their hard work.  If you really really really can't get it back to me by then, text me  ASAP and we will work something out. Steve and I are likely to be moving around the second week in August now, so please don't drop it off at the house (if I have given you my current address) after that because I will not get it and it will likely as not be lost for ever.  I have been telling everyone for months when I need the work in so please do your best to get it to me this Saturday if you can.

As mentioned in the last blog-post, I will be running a competition this year as the summer project and I am going to start work on that very soon.  I will be leaving spare copies of the entry form at the library for those who can't make it this weekend.  There will be bronze, silver and gold awards for the three best entries but everyone who joins in will earn a special certificate so it definitely worth a go.  I won't be judging the competition, I am going to ask somebody else to do that so that it is fair.  It would be quite hard for me to pick the winners as I know most of the Young Writers' styles by now and also quite a lot of their handwriting, so I feel it would be much better for someone else to judge it.

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and if you are away by then, have a really great summer and I'll see you all in September.

Good Writing everyone!

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