Thursday, 9 July 2015


Had eight Young Writers at last week's session. Huge welcomes to new members Timothy and Sthilta (I hope I have spelt that right!).  Lovely to see you.

Had the youngsters working on their books and it was a sight to behold, I tell you.  Eight little figures, hunched over tables littered with pens, paper, notebooks - all completely focused on their creations - even the new ones.  In fact they were so engrossed that I almost felt like I was intruding if I sat too long with one or asked any questions!  They just wanted to write write write - exactly like I did at their age (and even do these days - husband Steve says he knows when he's lost me for a while when I get a certain look in my eye - which is usually when I have had a new idea or am mulling over an old one).

I can't tell you how much I admire these talented wordsmiths!  And purely because they hang on to every word I say and have put so much of themselves into these books, I have told them that everyone who completes their book by September will get a special award certificate.  Believe me they have earned that!

So we have just one more session left  before the summer break and that is on 25th July.  I will be bringing in some treats that day, I hope you don't mind.  But I have told them they can still write if they want to.

So see you all on 25th then!

Good writing, everyone!

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