Thursday, 23 July 2015

Almost Summer Holidays ...

Don't forget we have one more session left this side of the summer and that is this Saturday (25th July), same place, same time.  We will be reviewing some of the topics covered and, of course, there will be lots of encouragement for the Young Writers to complete their books.  When everyone is back in September, I will ask them all to bring in their finished books for a photo call!

I won't be setting any assignments for the summer - I think they have enough to do - but I will be suggesting the children keep a holiday diary, just to keep their creative juices in full flow.

I will do another update following Saturday's session - but in a couple of weeks I am off to Jersey with husband Steve so blogs etc will just have to wait till I am back!

If your youngsters can't make this Saturday's session because of holiday commitments, don't worry. We will all be back on 5th September.

Thursday, 9 July 2015


Had eight Young Writers at last week's session. Huge welcomes to new members Timothy and Sthilta (I hope I have spelt that right!).  Lovely to see you.

Had the youngsters working on their books and it was a sight to behold, I tell you.  Eight little figures, hunched over tables littered with pens, paper, notebooks - all completely focused on their creations - even the new ones.  In fact they were so engrossed that I almost felt like I was intruding if I sat too long with one or asked any questions!  They just wanted to write write write - exactly like I did at their age (and even do these days - husband Steve says he knows when he's lost me for a while when I get a certain look in my eye - which is usually when I have had a new idea or am mulling over an old one).

I can't tell you how much I admire these talented wordsmiths!  And purely because they hang on to every word I say and have put so much of themselves into these books, I have told them that everyone who completes their book by September will get a special award certificate.  Believe me they have earned that!

So we have just one more session left  before the summer break and that is on 25th July.  I will be bringing in some treats that day, I hope you don't mind.  But I have told them they can still write if they want to.

So see you all on 25th then!

Good writing, everyone!

Friday, 3 July 2015

See You Tomorrow

Sorry haven't been back in a few days - lots of family stuff going on.  Just a quick reminder that we have our penultimate session at Ashburton Library tomorrow - 4th July.  Please encourage the Young Writers to bring in the books they made last session and also their notebooks and the Information Sheets I gave out (I will have spare copies on me just in case).  Tomorrow will be geared towards perfecting their work so that they can start to write the final draft into their special handmade books.

It should be very exciting because at the end of all this work each Young Writer will have a book to show people, to keep for future reference and to share.  It is a huge achievement and they should be very proud of themselves.

So see you tomorrow between 9.30 & 10.30.