Sunday, 12 October 2014

Great Session...

Had a truly excellent session with the Young Writers yesterday!  We went over to our display as an excited little group and there is nothing - and I mean nothing - in the world that can compare to the thrill it gave me to see these children excitedly pointing out their work.  They were kneeling down, crouching, laying on the floor - anything that would get them close to their piece of work so they could read it over and over again.  It was an amazing and, from a purely selfish point of view, emotional moment for me because I can remember how it feels to see your first success right there in black and white (or in colour as most of these are) in front of your eyes.

After a photo call we all went back to our table and I asked them to describe how they felt seeing their work on display.  I took some interesting photos of them bent of their notebooks as they fervently scribbled away.  As they finished one by one, I suggested they make the most of the rest of the session writing whatever they wanted to because, as I explained, when we start the sessions after the exhibition, it will be back to assignment sheets and a much more structured approach.  I have in fact, started planning the sessions already but more on all that another time.

Once again I want to thank you all for your support of the group and the feedback and I especially want to thank the library staff for facilitating us because if it wasn't for them, I am not sure the group would be gaining such momentum!

The next session is on October 25th, so see you then - and a huge well done to all the Young Writers - they are amazing!

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