Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Have A Great Easter ...

Good session again last Saturday so thanks to everyone who came along.  We are still pursuing stories and last week looked at how characters can sometimes actually move a story along with the help of their names.  I gave the children a work sheet with four character names written on - Mr Clothbear, Fabulous Fiona,
Michael Rich and Miss Smart - and asked them to describe what the characters may be like from their name.  This produced some interesting takes where not all members took the names at face value - describing Mr Clothbear as a bear-maker as opposed to a teddy, for example.  The idea here was to illustrate the importance of character names and the children seemed to get into the swing of things quite quickly. We also talked about different ways to begin a story, so they were pretty busy really.   The assignment set was to start a story featuring one of the characters. And of course it goes without saying that the chocolate eggs at the end of the session were well-received - and well-earned because they all worked so hard!  At the next session - 26th April - we will look at different ways to end a story and then we will probably have some fun with poetry for a couple of sessions.  In the meantime I'd just like to thank you all for your continued support.

I may have mentioned in a recent blog that the library staff has expressed an interest in having an exhibition of the children's work later in the year and I will try to get this finalised as soon as I can.  Once we have a date, we can start working towards it and the members' work will get some recognition.  All very exciting!  And just to reiterate I am still looking for a guest speaker and I will keep you updated over the next couple of blog posts.

Finally, I have promised the Young Writers I will organise some Sessions and Assignment Sheets with lines across them having watched Namoshi diligently drawing lines with the aid of a ruler.  I put it to them and all but one said they would sooner have lined paper so their wish is my command.  I will have it in place in time for the next session.  This is the kind of feedback I adore, so please do not be afraid to encourage the children to speak up - or indeed, come and see me at the end of the next session if you have any further comments or suggestions.

And I think that is about it for now.  Don't forget to put the word out to your friends; let's see if we can build the group a bit more.

Have a great Easter break.  See you on 26th!

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