Hello everyone. Okay want some really good news? I have finally got some dates for AYW sessions! Join me in a cheer and tell all your friends! The group will be relaunched with its first session on Saturday 8th March, 9.30 - 10.30 at the Ashburton Library in Shirley Road (next to the Oasis Academy). The following sessions are planned for 22nd March, 5th April, 12th April and 26th April, all Saturdays, all 9.30 - 10.30 and all at the library. The library team and I will then review it and, all being well, put some more dates together. The sessions will still be free. Parents are allowed to leave their children with us if they are aged 8 and over, but the library team has stressed that the parents of children aged 7 and under - although not necessarily sitting with us, are required to stay on the premises and are most welcome to use the facilities there. The other thing is that I will be starting the Certificate Trail again , right from scratch, because I am confident we will get a new flock of budding writers in, but all those talented scribblers from the original group will fly though them. And at least that way I can keep better tabs on who has got where.
I seriously considered starting the group again in February, but after some thought decided it would be better to start it in March because it gives us all time to get The Word Out - and this means posters, flyers, letters to all previous members, texts and emails - and hopefully some local newspaper coverage. So there you are. Keep and eye out for your letters and, if you know any other youngsters who might be interested, let me know and I will send letters to them as well. And please spread the word at your child's school and Sunday school.
I am so delighted to finally have some good news for everyone and cannot wait to see you all again in the not too distant future!
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