Friday, 25 May 2018

Picnic in the Park is TOMORROW!!!

Don't forget that we have our Picnic in the Park session tomorrow (26th May) so bring along your snacks and drinks and meet me at the Library at 9.30.  Parents are invited to stay for the full session.  We won't be going back to the Library afterwards.

Also quick reminder that my last session as Facilitator is next  Saturday, 2nd June, which is going to be quite an occasion.  Sara, who faciltates the Chatterbooks group, is hoping to also be present that day so if you have any questions, she will be delighted to help.  Plus there will be lots of Certificates, and work handed back and yummy CAKES for evryone to enjoy.

See you tomorrow then, same time, same place!

Monday, 14 May 2018

Booklet Coming Along ...

What started off as a Poetry Leaflet has evolved into a Poetry Booklet which, you will be pleased to hear, is almost finished.  Can't wait to hand them out on 2nd June!

Just a quick reminder that there is no Young Writer session this Saturay (19th May) as I have another commitment, so I will see you all next Saturday (26th) for our Picnic in the Park session.  Meet you at Ashburton Library at 9.30 as usual and we will set off for the park around ten minutes later.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Picnic in the Park Coming Up!

Hi everyone. Great session last Saturday!  Good to see everyone getting really stuck into their story writing!  The assignment set was to take everything we have looked at since starting on stories again and use it all to create a brand new story.  And the Young Writers have plenty of time to do it because the next session is not until 26th May - which is also our Picnic in the Park day of course - so Mums, Dads and Grans, don't forget to fetch snacks and drinks along that day.  We will meet at the library around 9.30 as usual then head over to Ashburton Park for an hour or so and grown ups are allowed to come along that day and enjoy the outdoors!

The Saturday after that is of course my last day.  It is galloping towards us scarily fast but I am determined it will not be a sad day, nor will it be complete closure as I will still be contactible.  And hopefully,  Sara will be there on that day to answer any questions about Chatterbooks and the amalgamation and let you all know when the group starts up again.

I have told the Young Writers that they will all get certificates and awards that day and I will bring along some yummy stuff.  The poetry leaflet will also be finished and everyone will get a copy of that so we will definitely end the session on a positive note.

Looking forward to seeing you all on 26th.  Keep writing!

Thursday, 3 May 2018

So Much To Do - So Little Time!

Hi everyone.  I have just spent a very enjoyable (and infuriating) couple of hours putting the poetry leaflet together.  It is looking quite good already and one more sheet of short poems should just about do it so watch this space! 

It is hard to believe that after this week's session, there will only be two sessions left for me.  The Chatterbooks group will be relaunched in September so the members could have quite a long break this year; which will give them all the more time to write, write, write.  Don't forget that, even after I have moved on, you and our young pensmiths can still keep in touch.  I will probably launch a different blog once I leave because it is still my dream to bring Creative Writing to more children, even if I can only do so online.  Anyway, we shall see.  Let me get the move out of the way first.  Hopefully by 2019, I will be in a better position!

In keeping with the Stories theme, I will be reminding the Young Writers this week of the need of a good opening as well as a good ending and also how best to use description to help the story move along.

Don't forget that after this Saturday there will be a three week gap because of personal commitments and that the session on 26th May will be our Picnic in the Park session (weather permitting of course), so don't forget to bring along your drinks and snacks; I will provide the outdoors work sheets and pens etc.

My final session will be on 2nd June and I will bring along some celebratory cakes that day and special certificates for all the members as well as the completed poetry leaflets so it will be a busy old morning.

In the meantime I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday, May 5th.  Bye for now.