Tuesday, 27 March 2018


Very quiet Young Writer session last Saturday with only six members coming along.  We were looking at one final form of short poetry - the Single Verse Poem - and huge thanks to those members who gave it a go.  I know most will be pleased to hear we go back to stories after the Easter Break so at least that will give them something different to think about.  I could not have put the poetry leaflet together were it not for the Members embracing the subject since our return after Christmas and I appreciate their patience.  The closing date for submissions is our session on 7th April and I advise everyone to have a good rummage through the poetry they have produced over recent months and bring along any they'd like included on that day.  Don't forget those taking part and contributing will receive a special Award Certificate plus they will see their work in print.

I know it is not ideal with the Easter Break, but I would ask as many of you to attend the session on 7th April as possible as I have an important announcement to make and some exciting news.  I gave letters about this out to the Young Writers who came last Saturday and will be sending those same letters out to anyone who could not make it, so watch the post box.

All that remains for me to say is have a lovely Easter break.  Enjoy the chocolate!  See you on 7th April.

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Well Done !!

Brilliant YoungWriter session last week with 10 children present who did incredibly well creating their own short poetry form.  After some trepidation, they soon realised they could not go wrong if following their own rules and from then on, there was no stopping them.  Turning a couple of sentances into a poem was just a case of giving them some shape so Leaves falling down rewritten as
suddently became a poem (well done Araaf) and they immediately realised that the sky is the limit.  It was a real joy to watch and their enthusiasm was palpable so huge congratulations to them all for embracing the subject.  The assignment was to write at least one brand new Mini-AYW poem and to come up with some suggestions for our poetry sheet.

Once again, apologies to those who struggled through the snow to get to the session the previous week only to find it cancelled.  On reflection I should have put something on the blog but it was all very last minute and I was bitterly disappointed that I'd had to take such a step; especially since, irritatingly, most of the snow had cleared by the Saturday!

I know we have had another influx of snow this weekend but I am confident next Saturday's session will go ahead as usual so I very much look forward to seeing you all there on the 24th, our final session before the Easter break,  with huge thanks to Young Writers and parents alike, for your continued support and encouragement.

Saturday, 3 March 2018

'S no Joke ....

Hi everyone.  I am sorry I had to cancel today's Young Writer session.  I received an email from Cathryn at the library asking if I'd be coming along today and at that moment I was on a bus in the middle of a blizzard so I said I had my doubts.  We agreed it might be better for everyone if we cancelled today because of the weather as it was looking doubtful that anyone would be able to make it with the snow coming down like it was.  I hope not too many of you turned up but if you did have a wasted journey, I am truly sorry.  Things are looking much better this afternoon and I am confident I will be there next Saturday (which was the next scheduled session anyway).  In the (almost) six years I have been running AYW, that is the first time I have had to cancel because of adverse weather conditions, so from that point of view, I guess I shouldn't grumble.

What we will do next Saturday (10th) is start with the brief mentioned last post, which was to attempt to create your own short poetry form and we will see where we go from there.

Once again I am sorry I let you down today but looking forward to seeing you all next Saturday.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Let's Get Creative!

Hi gang. I hope you are all well and surviving the arctic weather!  Considering I live in a suburban back road, even we have had a good couple of inches of the white stuff.  Hopefully, it will not jeopardize this Saturday's session but if it looks as if it will I will do my best to let you all know.  Assuming everything is ok, my plan this week is to get the Young Writers to attempt to create their own short poetry form which should be a lot of fun as well as something of a challenge. 

Don't forget to encourage the Young Writers to come up with some ideas for our poetry title, Too.

See you all Saturday.