Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Chatterbooks Meets AYW

Brilliant session last Saturday - as if it could be anything else!  Seven children turned up - which was not so surprising considering it had been Half Term Week.

We were talking about how to end stories and the assignment was to write a story that ends with the line The purple bird flew over the mountain .... I did say they could change the colour if they wanted to but whatever colour they use, it should be incorporated into that closing line.  The story can have any title and be as long or as short as they like.  Any completed stories brought in will count towards their next certificate.

I did a session with the Chatterbooks group the Friday before and I was delighted to welcome Tyler to Addiscombe Young Writers last Saturday whom I met through that Chatterbooks session and I am sure he will settle in well.  Would also like to welcome Darriyah - another new member and the first person to take Barnaby home with her for his first adventure!

Just one last reminder - the BBC are running a 500 word story competition which closes on 27th February.  Details can be found on their website.

Finally, I will shortly be sending out a letter regarding our 5th Anniversary Party so keep an eye out for that.

See you on 11th March.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Hello Barnaby!

Just to let everyone know that we had a really good session last Saturday.  We are back with stories for a while so I gave everyone a title to come up with something.  This exercise is a refresher for the longer serving members but also a good introduction to the art of story writing for the new members as well.  The assignment set was to complete a story I started and of course any handed in will count towards the next certificate.

We named our new mascot - it is Barnaby, so a big welcome to him and massive thanks to the children for their input - and we have settled on 8th July as the day for our party to celebrate the group's fifth birthday.  It will be held in the junior library and I will give you more details a bit nearer the time.

I will write another post before next Saturday's session (on the 18th) but before I go - I will be doing a talk at this afternoon's Chatterbooks session at the library where I have been invited to introduce even more children to the wonderful world of Creative Writing - see you there maybe?

Friday, 3 February 2017

See You Tomorrow

Hi each and everyone of you.  Just a quick reminder that we have a session tomorrow at Ashburton Library and I am looking forward to seeing you there.  Don't forget to bring in your suggestions for our new mascot and, of course, any assignments brought back will count towards the next certificate.

Sorry this is a bit short - I have been really busy!  See you tomorrow.