Friday, 20 May 2016

AYW - ok

Hi everyone.  Been another busy two weeks but you will be pleased to hear that the latest newsletter - AYW - ok is all done and ready to go out at tomorrow's session.  Have also got the worksheet ready. Further to requests earlier this year for writing topics we haven't yet covered, this week, we will be looking at writing recipes.  But as usual, there will be a twist.  The Young Writers can either produce a real recipe, chocolate rice krispie cakes, fairy cakes or a favourite jacket potato topping, for example - or they can invent one - like a scare-the spider-away potion or perhaps a bounce-about-like-a-bubble cookie; whatever their choice, this is something new and I think it could be lots of fun!

Picnic-in-the-Park - this session will be on 2nd July (weather permitting) so pack your snacks and drinks that day and we'll head over to Ashbuton after meeting at the library.  Need lots of mums and dads to help supervise so why not make it a family occasion?  The last two have been a huge success and the sessions give the Young Writers new opportunities to explore, listen, look - and have loads of fun!  Definitely a win/win situation, I feel!

So see you all tomorrow, same time, same place!

Monday, 9 May 2016


What a totally brilliant session we had on Saturday!  Sixteen children including several new members!  The session started with a brief reading from Eva Ibbotson's "The Great Ghost Rescue" to primarily demonstrate that not all Ghost Stories need to be scary.  This particular book is an absolute joy and was published way ahead of its time because it doesn't just talk about young Rick's bid to rescue the ghosts being driven out of their stately home to make way for a new Holiday Camp - it talks about conserving wildlife in general, which has long been a subject close to my heart!  But mostly it is a really good read - very funny.

Ghost Stories per se have not been properly covered before and most of the session was trying to get the Young Writers to use their imaginations.  I tried to kick-start them by giving them a worksheet with some suggestions but I think I gave them too much to work from because a lot of them seemed to struggle with it despite the fact it is a subject they have repeatedly asked for.    The valuable lesson I learned from this is that Less is More and my plan is to work on that basis from now on.  Having said that, though, by the end of the session, when I set the assignment to be handed in by 21st May, I think they were Up For It so it will be interesting to see their finished work.

Congratulations are in order for member Dhilon who became only the second member thus far, to achieve the Rainbow Band 2 Certificate.  His presentation book was about writing comic strip stories because I know it is a subject he has particularly enjoyed, so very well done, Dhilon.  Who will be our next?

The next session is on 21st May, by which time, I hope to have the date for our picnic in the park but see you in a couple of weeks.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Don't Forget Saturday's Session ...

It has been nuts the last couple of weeks - loads going on.  Finally got the session sheets for this Saturday done - just need to print them off - and half the latest AYW - ok newsletter - but that may need to wait for a week or two because I have a couple of things outside of the Young Writers I need to prepare for and time is of the essence.  Having said that though - great news!  One of our library allies told me about a competition for Young Writers currently being run by Explore Learning so I will delve more into that by Saturday and let any interested parties know.  ALSO - very aware we need to organise the Picnic in the Park so will come back to you with a date - in fact, will get it into the newsletter as well as onto the next post here on the AYW blog.

Looking forward to seeing you all at Saturday's session (7th May 9.30 to 10.30).