Hi everyone. Been another busy two weeks but you will be pleased to hear that the latest newsletter -
AYW - ok is all done and ready to go out at tomorrow's session. Have also got the worksheet ready. Further to requests earlier this year for writing topics we haven't yet covered, this week, we will be looking at writing recipes. But as usual, there will be a twist. The Young Writers can either produce a
real recipe, chocolate rice krispie cakes, fairy cakes or a favourite jacket potato topping, for example - or they can
invent one - like a scare-the spider-away potion or perhaps a bounce-about-like-a-bubble cookie; whatever their choice, this is something new and I think it could be lots of fun!
Picnic-in-the-Park - this session will be on 2nd July (weather permitting) so pack your snacks and drinks that day and we'll head over to Ashbuton after meeting at the library. Need lots of mums and dads to help supervise so why not make it a family occasion? The last two have been a huge success and the sessions give the Young Writers new opportunities to explore, listen, look - and have loads of fun! Definitely a win/win situation, I feel!
So see you all tomorrow, same time, same place!