Hi everyone. Hopefully you have all received your letters and information sheets by now. Please get in touch if there is anything else you want to know. And thank you to Lisa (mum to Oliver and Sophia) for texting me. As I said I know that the Saturdays will not suit everyone but hopefully it will be okay for some of you. I will be putting up some local posters and flyers shortly, so keep an eye out for them. I am also contacting a number of local schools, so hopefully that will generate some interest, too.
If your children have lost interest in the group or are unable to attend the sessions because of other commitments, could you let me know what you would like me to do with their work? I think I will probably keep it for another four weeks or so and, if I haven't heard from you by then, I will take it you don't want them and I'll shred them so that I can free up some storage space. I have work from quite a few so if you do want it back, could you drop me a line or text me? At the end of the day it is their work and they are entitled to have it back.
If the children aren't coming back, it might interest them to know that Forward Press have launched a page on their website which is specifically for young writers. It looks like they offer competitions and advice to young writers so it might be a good way to keep their interest. The email address is www.forwardpoetry.co.uk It might also interest you to know that the BBC runs competitions for child-authors and poets, You just need to log onto their Writer's Room pages. I don't have the link at the moment, but I will look it up and put it into the next post. I hope they are able to utilise these if they aren't coming back because it is important they put into practice all the fundamentals they got from AYW so that we can be sure there will always be a future generations of writers and poets!
I think that is it for now. Once again everyone thank you for helping to make AYW the success it was. My plans now are to make it better still. Best wishes, and keep in touch!