Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Word Magic is Magical

Have spent a couple of very busy weeks putting the finishing touches to Word Magic - the first book produced by Addiscombe Young Writers.  And I have to say it looks rather brilliant!  I have even managed to produce a mock-copy to show you all at tomorrow's Christmas Tea.  Now it is finished and printed off, the next step is to get it to the printing company and get the copies ordered.  Once I have a date of completion, that will be the launch date, which will coincide with the Exhibition of Work.  And we'll make an occasion of that, I can promise you.

I know it has all taken a bit longer than anticipated but we got there in the end and I think you will all be surprised and delighted at the result!  All that remains to be said is a massive THANK YOU to all of you and your talented scribes for your support and encouragement and have a GREAT CHRISTMAS.

Will update in the New Year with the next sessions and some new ideas.  Till then - adios!

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Watch Out - The Young Writers Are About!!

Further to the wonderful news that Croydon Advertiser wishes to feature a weekly column of work by the Young Writers, I have yet another exciting announcement!  The Advertiser is sending a photographer along on 19th to take some pictures of the youngsters receiving their certificates, which will be included in a feature about us.  And yet more!  The first column is currently scheduled to appear in 11th January edition.  I will be sending the first four pieces of work to editor Glenn some time over the next week or so.  I think the fairest way to do this - since there is no favouritism at AYW - is to work alphabetically, but it would be very helpful if you could reassure the children that everyone is going to get the chance to see their work in print over the next few months, in the local paper - and we will of course keep copies of them for future reference.

One other item is that I have received an email in response to last week's letter of appeal, from a local lady, who has suggested three possible local causes that could benefit from the sale of the childrens' book.  One is The Railway Park Group who look after the open space behind the tramstop at Blackhorse Road.  The next is the St Mildreds' Church Senior Citizens group at the church and the final suggestion is the Over 60s Club (formerly Croydon Derby & Joan Club) which is based in the sheltered housing complex between Sandilands and Lebanon Road tram stops, in Addiscombe Road.  I would really welcome your feedback on this ASAP since I have almost finished compiling the book and intend to mention our good cause on the back cover.  Please either email me on jphlong@live.co.uk, text me on 07909 518147 or place a comment here on the blog, to let me know who you think we should choose.  Whichever group gets the most votes will be the winner.

See you on 19th.  And Good Writing everyone.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Session 12 Update

Hello again everyone and thank you for signing in.  Quick update following today's session.  Firstly, I have explained to the Young Writers that I am going to put a sample copy together of their book prior to sending it to the printers so that they can see what their work looks like.  It is my intention to do this by the Christmas Tea on 19th.  Secondly, I have also promised to get back on top of the certificates so that we can have a nice presentation ceremony at the Christmas Tea.  I also explained to them that the booklet is unlikely to now be ready before Christmas due to my massive workload and everything else going on, and that we will now launch the book when we have the exhibition in the New Year.  I hope they were not too disappointed.  At least they seemed very excited by the idea of their work appearing in the Croydon Advertiser, anyway!

For the session itself, I asked them to challenge their own imaginations by writing a Christmas wish list for a superhero or film/book/tv character.  They took to this task with a huge surge of enthusiasm and some of their suggestions were hilarious - a portable washing machine for James Bond (so he can was all the blood off his clothes apparently), some new clothes for The Incredible Hulk, some hair-styling scissors for Rapunzel and an electric shaver for Santa (so his beard doesn't get caught up on chimneys or full of soot).  This was a simple enough little task but the depth of their imagination was totally awe-inspiring and just goes to show how hungry they are to write write write and utilise their own creativity and ideas.  It was also very rewarding to see them working together and tossing ideas about.

Since the next session is actually our Christmas Tea (thank you Amanda), I did not set an assignment; however those of whom that wish to write are more than welcome to do so.  I left the theme open so it will be interesting to see what (or if, bearing in mind how close we are to Christmas now) they can come up with.

During the Christmas Break, I will also be reviewing the whole set-up of the group and trying to think of ways we can take this forward without it becoming repetitive or mundane, including how I can continue with the Certificate trail - and hopefully add some new dimensions to the sessions.  This, I am convinced, is going to be my biggest challenge yet, but I promise I will do my utmost to deliver and keep it fresh.  The Young Writers deserve that after all their hard work.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Tea on 19th then.  And please don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions , comments or suggestions.  Good writing!

Sunday, 25 November 2012


I have had a very exciting email from the Senior Editor at Croydon Advertiser.  He contacted me personally and proposed a brand new weekly column in the Advertiser to showcase the work of your talented scribblers!  Not only is this a fantabulous opportunity for the Young Writers to regularly see their work in print, it is a great way to strengthen the group's reputation.

He and I will be discussing ways to take this forward over the next few days and, once we have crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's, I'll come back to you with an update.  In the meantime I just want to say a big Well Done to everybody.  I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Session 11 Update

Thank you to everyone who showed up to today's session- and a big welcome to our two visitors who came along to watch and get a taste of things.  Although the young writers seemed somewhat quieter than usual, it was still heartening to see them scribbling away, exchanging ideas and actually coming up with some very original takes on the theme of Christmas.  The assignment set was for them to either write a brand new Christmas piece,  or to redraft what they came up with today.  It can be a story, poem, new words to an old carol - or even a panto scene - it is entirely up to them as long as they stick to the theme.  I very much look forward to seeing their work.

I had a chat with Amanda today and we have agreed that, in order for the exhibition to achieve the maximum success, it would be better to plan it for some time in the new year, rather than just dashing it off and hoping for the best.  This not only gives me more time to concentrate on getting the booklet finished, but also to deal with the entries of a story competition I have been commissioned to judge.  And it means we will be able to make quite an event of it, with a bit of pomp and circumstance.  Your kids deserve it after all the hard work they have put in since we started up earlier this year.  As far as the booklet itself is concerned - I have almost finished arranging it.  It has a title - "Word-Magic" - and the only other thing I need to find is a local charitable cause that would benefit from sales.  Watch this space.

The next session will be on 5th December and  I will be awarding all the due certificates on that day, plus there will be a Christmas Tea on 19th, so lots to look forward to.

Finally, it is with relief that I can confirm that we will be able to continue meeting after New Year and, with this in mind, I am now looking at ways of revising the Certificate trail and coming up with the next project after our exhibition.  As usual please feel free to call me, text me, email me or make a comment on this blog as I am always keen to hear from you all.

Good Writing everyone!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Happy Halloween - Session 10 Update

Once again I apologise for keeping you all waiting.  When I left last week's session,  I really did plan to get to the laptop within a day or two, but, as usual, life got in the way and it has taken me almost a week.  I really am sorry - but thank you whole-heartedly for trying again because this time - heigh-ho - here I actually am!

We had a great session last week.  I think the young writers were already really fired up because of halloween and the iminent trick-or-treating session scheduled to begin straight after, but even that excitement did not stop them getting stuck in.  And - how pleased am I - another two new members!  That makes around six Newbies in the space of three sessions.  Thank you very much for fetching them in, dad; I hope we'll see you all again next time.

I have to say, mums and dads, your talented scribes have not made it easy for me to pick the contents for the booklet and exhibition!  I have got so much material to choose from that it is going to prove nigh on impossible for me to feature all of it.  What I have been doing the last couple of evenings, is reading, re-reading and then re-reading again so that only the very best stuff actually appears in the book - and whatever is left over will definitely appear at the exhibition.  The draft copy is slowly coming together and I will do a bit more shortly.  Once I know what is actually going in and where, I will then start to Laptop it.  I want to get the completed book over to the printer within three weeks max so I have got my work cut out.

The next session is on Wednesday 21st November by which time I should be able to provide another update on the book's progress.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween.

Good writing, everyone.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Session 9 - Update

Brilliant session today.  It was great to see our newbies again because it showed me that they actually got something out of Session 8 - and that is what it's all about!

Today most of the young writers handed in their profiles and most of the consent forms have come back as well so thank you to everyone.  The theme today - in preparation for our Halloween session - was to create a magic spell and write it down.  Some of those I saw were hilarious - with a marked interest in 'bottoms' and 'poos' I noted - and the youngsters themselves seemed to really let their imaginations run wild.  The assignment set was to then take their magic spell and either re-draft it or incorporate it into a short story.  And in keeping with the Halloween theme, I thought it would add a bit of fun if the children could also wear witch or wizard hats  to Session 10 - which will be on Halloween day, 31st October, 4 till 5 as usual. 

31st October is also the very last date that I can accept their contributions for the booklet so I asked the young writers to make sure they bring any intended work in on that day.  After that date, further assignments will continue to count towards their next certificate so there will be no reason for them to stop writing.  The booklet is only a part of the scheme.  The real deal is to develop their interest in writing.  Even if none of them actually grow up to be writers, I like to think that these sessions will at least contribute to their future and continue to build their confidence.

Finally, please let me reassure you all that any spelling or grammar issues that appear in the young writers' assignments is not a problem and will not have a detrimental effect on their chances of appearing in the booklet.  I am happy to spell words out if the children ask - but I don't want to risk stepping on the toes of their school teachers.  I will correct any errors when I collate the book for the printer;  my main aim now, as it has always been, is just to encourage their creative output and try to keep that momentum going.  I hope that sets your minds at ease.

Thanks again for all your support and - as ever - if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to get in touch.  My email address is jphlong@live.co.uk and my mobile number is 07909 518147.
Good writing, everyone.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Session 8 - Update

Sorry it has taken me almost a week to get to the Young Writers' blog; there always seems to be so much to do and I hardly ever get to the laptop these days.  I don't even have to check my emails there anymore because I can do that through my mobile phone so the laptop is lucky to see the light of day more than once a week!  Anyway, I am here now so a big hello to you all.

We had a great Session 8 last week.  Five new members!  This is terrific news but I hope the Coffee Shop can take it without bursting a seam!  I felt terribly guilty that most of you were squeezed in the window area whilst your talented offspring took over virtually all the table space!  What really thrilled me about our new members is that they came from slightly further afield which means the word is on the streets about us and it can only get better from here.  I would not be lying if I told you that at the beginning of this scheme, I could not possibly have had any idea that Addiscombe Young Writers  would still be flourishing five months down the line - even with the long summer break in the middle! Yet it is and that is largely thanks to your continued support and Amanda's endless patience whenever a Writing session comes along.  Not to mention the bubbling enthusiasm of your children, which, if anything, seems to have doubled since the new school year began, so huge
H U G E thanks to everyone.

During the session last week, we talked quite a bit about the book and exhibition.  I asked the Young Writers to practise writing a profile since I would like to include one for every child to accompany their work in the book itself - not to mention during the exhibition.  The assignment set was then to write an actual profile and bring it back in time for the next session - which is next Wednesday, 10th October.  Session 10 is likely to fall on 31st October so a Hallowe'en theme to the writing that week will be a must. 

As far as the creation of the book is concerned, I have had a couple of quotes (and should get another one shortly) for printing and binding and I think that, realistically, to get it all done in time for a snazzy Christmas launch, I shall also have to make 31st October the last date for submissions.  That gives the Young Writers just about four weeks to come up with any further offerings, the plan then being to collate it and then get it off to the printers with a view to having the books ready and in supply by the end of November - which - coincidently - is when we are most likely to be looking at holding the exhibition.  Hopefully, with Amanda's help, we can have a proper book launch at the Coffee Shop one evening in early December.  This is all terribly exciting, don't you think?  Of course once Christmas is out of the way, the whole Addiscombe Young Writers thing will have to be reviewed since I have already taken the liberty of stretching the six month trial to seven months, so we'll just have to see how it all pans out.

Finally, mums and dads, please remember to sign and return your consent forms, indicating also how you would like your child's work to be identified in the book and at the exhibition.  If you don't have a consent form just let me know next week.  I will make sure I bring an extra supply of them in to the session.

See you all next week and until then - good writing everyone.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Welcome Back - Session 7 Update

You will never know how relieved I really was to see so many of the Young Writers return to the fold for Session 7 last week.  During the preceding weeks - with school holidays and summer vacations at their peak - my main fear had been that the novelty would wear off and interest would be lost.    So when everyone traipsed in straight after school as fired up as ever, I was delighted.  With regards to the Big Shout, I put it to the vote and was surprised at just how many of the Young Writers don't like it, so we settled for a quieter version which seemed to go down well.  And although many of them sheepishly admitted to me that they had hardly done any writing during the break, it was even more wonderful and rewarding to then see how eagerly they settled down to write again.  I have to admit I am very very proud of your children!  I am very proud of everything they have thus far achieved and I am truly privelaged to have been so influential in their progress.  I am now even beginning to think of ways I can keep the group going after the trial period has run its course.  Watch this space!

The assignment set was to write a short story in no fewer than four lines specifically for the upcoming exhibiton and booklet.  The subject matter is entirely up to them but it must have a title.  So if they could come up with something, it'd be terrific if they could bring it along to next session which is on Wednesday 26th September.  And talking of the booklet, I have now started getting some quotes in and I have got a meeting lined up with Amanda to discuss the best way to present the exhibition.  As soon as everything has been firmed up I will let you all know.

Finally, I know I said at the beginning that I was planning to get some guest writers in and I am uncomfortably aware that this has not happened yet.  I have had some response to an appeal published in the July issue of Writing Magazine which I am still working on so by hook or by crook I promise I will get something organised before too long.

As ever please feel free to get in touch if you have any suggestions, feedback, comments or criticisms.

Good writing everyone.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Session Dates - September

Hello again everyone.  Just to let you know that your letters are on their way to you which detail the next two sessions - but I thought I'd put a new post on as well just in case they get held up.  The next session will be on Wednesday 5th September, 4 - 5 as usual and the following session will be on Wednesday 26th - same time, same place.

I also enclosed a consent form regarding the Exhibition of Works and booklet so please could you complete these and bring along on 5th.

Very much looking forward to seeing you all - and also to seeing the group regain some of its momentum once the new school year has begun.

Good writing everyone.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Midsummer Session Feedback

Thank you to those members who came along to the unofficial midsummer session at PMT last Wednesday.  Once again it was very quiet and personal but very much enjoyed by each of us.

I apologise for not sending out consent forms as promised in my previous post.  I won't trot out stacks of excuses; suffice it to say that it has been an exceptionally busy few weeks.  However I am going to enclose them with a short letter that I will be posting out to you before the weekend, detailing the next couple of session dates.

Looking forward very much to welcoming the Young Writers back in September - and with the advent of the exhibition and booklet, I think we are going to be quite busy!

As last week's session was just to 'keep a toe in the door' so to speak, I did not set a specific assignment.  If your talented scribblers have produced anything during the summer break, though,  please feel free to fetch them along to the next session.

Good writing everyone ans see you again soon.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Session 6 Feedback

Hello again.   I realise I owe you all an apology for forgetting in the previous post to mention the assignment.  Thank you Amanda for pointing this out to me.  The assignment for Session 5 was to write a story through the mediums of a poem or letter, I really don't mind which; it is down to the Young Writers' own personal preference.

Session 6 last Wednesday was very quiet - as I had known it would be with the schools closing and the peak holiday period beginning.  It was actually rather nice, though, to be able to work a little more closely with those youngsters that were able to come along.  We started with some feedback from the Young Writers themselves, about the sessions.  It was all very positive; not just from the Creative Writing perspective, either.  The general consensus seemed to be that they each felt they had thus far achieved a great deal, gained confidence and were thoroughly enjoying each new challenge.  One young man admits he does not like the big shout at the beginning of each session and that is fine, too.  I told him he was welcome to sit out at that point in future if it made him more comfortable, and just join in once the session itself actually got going.  This consideration was something I hadn't thought of before, but the courtesy is, of course, extended to any others who do not like it.

For the last forty five minutes or so, we snuggled round two tables together and just wrote whatever was coming into our heads at the time.  I concluded the session with the presentation of Red Certificates to those present.  All others will be given out over the course of the next session or two.  I also gave out a couple of consent forms with regards to the forthcoming Exhibition of Work and booklet.  Those of you unable to attend will receive your copy through Snail Mail in the next few days.  Finally, since there was so few of us there, I did not actually set an assignment as such.  However, I did suggest the keeping of a holiday diary, even if it is only for days out.  If your children would also like to join in with this, that'd be great.

I will only be holding one session in August and again, I am not expecting a huge turn-out. However for those likely to be available,  it will be held on Wednesday 15th, usual place and time.  Hopefully it will pick up again once the new school year commences in September.

If you are going away, I hope you have a lovely time and that the Young Writers find plenty to inspire them.

Good writing, everyone.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Session 5 Feedback

Once again a big thank you to everyone who turned up today and a huge pat on the back for the Young Writers for enduring another hot and sticky hour with such good grace.  I was genuinely surprised at the wonderful turn out - particularly since it had only been a week since the last session! 

I know that the short interval between sessions meant that not everyone found  time to complete the previous assignment and that is quite all right.  As I said right at the beginning, there are no really hard and fast rules to Addiscombe Young Writers.  If the children don't feel like doing their assignments - or the weather makes it very difficult as a couple of them found today - that is not a problem since the last thing I want is for them to start finding it a chore - and an unwelcome one at that.  I'd much rather they have a little time out so that they can recharge and try again another time.

For those who were able to brave it out, the topic was letter writing.  When I was a youngster I had penfriends all over the world - but of course the Technological Highway has changed all that.  This is why I feel it is important that the art of letter writing does not fall by the wayside.  I also wanted them to experience the infinite possibilities of letter writing - as I pointed out at the start of the session - a letter is merely another way with which to express oneself.  I read "Dear Daddy" by Philippe Dupasquier (Andersen Press) because it is a story about a little girl told through the letters she writes to her sea-faring father during his calls of duty.  I also pointed out that Beatrix Potter's "The Tale Of Peter Rabbit" started out as a letter written to a small boy who was sick.  Letters are one of the most effective and flexible mediums there is (perhaps some of you are familiar with Jean Webster's "Dear Daddy Long Legs" which is in fact an entire novel told this way - albeit in a rather quaint and dated fashion), and one that should be embraced and utilised even  with the advent of emails, facebook and tweets!

The assignment set at the end of the session was to write a story through a poem (bearing in mind the preference shown by many last week) - or through a series of poems.  And since the next session is not until 25th July, they have got plenty of time to have a go and perhaps catch up with any unfinished assignments.

A couple of you asked me what was happening with AYW during the swiftly approaching summer holidays since many of you will be going away.  I think that, initally, I may only run one session sometime around mid-August, which I understand will not be fully attended.  But it will give me the opportunity to work more closely with fewer Young Writers just for that one session.  And I won't set an assignment since many will not be around to take it on.  We will probably then go back to two sessions a month once school re-opens in September.  I will, however, still be available if any of the children - or indeed yourselves - want to get in touch in the meantime.

Finally a big thank you once again for your kind contributions - and for allowing me the privelage of working with your talented offspring.

Good writing.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Session 4 Feedback

Seem to be having lots of problems this evening trying to do today's update; this is my third attempt, so fingers crossed...

Thanks everyone for braving today's hot, sticky weather to come along to Session 4.  And hats off to the Young Writers for working so hard in the uncomfortable conditions.  Although we were looking at Book Reviews today, it became increasingly clear as the session progressed that their preference lies in poetry.  As writers we do sometimes find ourselves working outside our comfort zones, so in that respect, it was a good exercise.  However since I like to be led by where their writing passions lie, I will bear this preference in mind as I plan future sessions.  It will be interesting, though,  to see how the Young Writers fare in a few weeks when we tackle short fiction, don't you think?  In the meantime, Assignment 4 further challenges them (as well as the technological highway) as it is Letter Writing.  They can write a letter to anyone about anything - and once again, please don't worry about spelling or layout - as long as they bring it along to Session 5.

It was nice to get a few minutes to chat with some of you today, and I am very grateful for your feedback and ideas.  I will be putting together a conscent form with regards to showcasing the Young Writers' work, both at PMT and here on the blog, and handing it out next session.  Although I think it is important for their work to be seen, I will respect your decision whatever it is - and I am quite open to compromise; for example you might prefer that I feature their initials rather than their full name. 

The next session is on 4th July (not 11th - sorry - my mistake) between 4 and 5 as usual but please do not hesitate to contact me sooner if you have any questions or further feedback.

Finally, thank you very much for your kind contributions to running costs - it was a very thoughtful gesture and very much appreciated.

Good writing everyone.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Session 3 Feedback

Stonking good session with our budding writers today.  Their enthusiasm continues to touch me very deeply and I am delighted with the standard of work they are producing.  They are beginning to find their feet and establish their own styles already - even the shy ones.  That, to me, is the most rewarding thing of all and I cannot thank you, the parents,  enough for your continued support.

Today we were looking at poems that don't rhyme.  As toddlers we learn a great deal from the repetition of nursery rhymes - which is why it is so easy for us to grow up thinking that poems have to rhyme.  It is therefore a big leap forward to be able to write poems that don't.  As long as you are in agreement, I would like to start including excerpts of their work in this blog - because I think that you will be as surprised and delighted as I am at the talent beginning to shine through.  Plus it would be nice for the young writers themselves to see some of their work on show. 

I also reiterated to the young writers, my intention to produce a booklet of their very best work as the six month trial reaches its conclusion.  It now occurs to me that it would also be very nice if we can have an exhibition of work at the PMT Cake And Coffee Shop and I will discuss this with Amanda before the next session.

The assignment I set today was for the young writers to produce an acronym on their Assignment Sheet.  They can use any word or name they like.  I am quite happy to see any notes, false starts or rough drafts on the Assignment Sheet as well as the finished piece of work so please don't worry about it having to be perfect.  Part of the writer's craft is of course the engineering of a piece and now is as good a time as any for the youngsters to start learning that.  I will speak to them about the importance of drafting and redrafting over the next couple of sessions.

The next session takes place on 27 June, 4 till 5 as usual, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to drop me an email (jphlong@live.co.uk) or post a comment on the blog.  I really need your feedback so that I can make sure the sessions continue to thrive - and ensure the youngsters continue to enjoy themselves.

Good writing everyone.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

A Little Piece Of Advice Please ....

Hello again everyone.  Was very pleased to discover there has been over 40 viewings of the AYW blog so thank you all for your attention.  I have a quick question to ask you and would truly appreciate any feedback you can give.  As you know I brought a lot of your childrens' work home with me after the last session and I am astonished at the talent and insight displayed by each of them.

As writers, we all need feedback and my question to you is this - would you be happy for me to make comments  about their work?  It would all be positive and very constructive.  There will be a system put in place that is called Two Stars And A Wish.  The two stars would apply to parts of their work that I am very happy with and the wish would apply to something within that work that could possibly be made better.

I also think it is important for you to know that I have read what they have taken the trouble to write.

Please send in any comments - it is important for me to know that you and your budding authors are happy with the way things are going.  And if you think there are ways for me to improve the sessions, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Best wishes always and Good Writing!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Looking Good

I received a text message yesterday morning from a lady whose children had attended the first AYW session at PMT in Addiscombe.  She said that her two youngsters had decided that a writing group was not for them - and that is fair enough.  Writing - with or without group support - is not something to be entered into lightly.  It demands complete commitment and an overbearing passion.  It means thinking about writing every waking moment and not being able to wait to get back to something you are working on.  Without that, it becomes another of life's unpleasant chores so I thanked the lady for her honesty and for letting me know and I wished them well.

Not for the first time, I wondered uneasily if their departure was going to set the pattern for the future.  Would it be that I turned up at Session Two with nothing but the hiss of the coffee machine for company?  NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  For all the fact I'd lost two members, I actually found I'd gained three!  In fact the Coffee Shop was heaving and I was, once more, astonished and humbled by the sheer unadulterated dedication of these young writers.  Their raw enthusiasm is pure and golden - and surely an inspiration to anyone wishing to take up their pen!  So a massive thank you to everyone, children and parents alike, for coming along.  The next session will be on Wesnesday 13th June, same time, same place - not the first Wednesday of the month I know - but designed not to interfere with any jubilee celebrations in the offing, so I hope that's ok for everyone.  The assignment set yesterday was for the young writers to take one of their many ideas produced as the first assignment and write a poem about it.  I am starting with poems because they are quite short and not too demanding - particularly since they don't have to rhyme.  And we will see where we go from here.

I am aware that this is a learning curve - not just for the young writers, but for me as well.  Reading aloud does not work but sitting them round the tables with an exercise in mind and trying to get round to each individual child during the course of the exercise did seem to work.  And making myself available if they have any questions for fifteen or so minutes at the end of the session also seemed to work  - and of course I am there for you, too, of you have any questions realating to the group - or indeed to writing in general.

I am going to introduce worksheets as of the next session.  The idea will be to give each youngster two sheets - one to work on that day and one to take home and use for their next assignment.  I think that will work better than notebooks and makes it easier for me to keep an eye on each member's progress.  Of course they can keep all the notebooks I have already given out and I will try to keep a few in stock just incase they are needed in future.

Please feel free to comment on this blog - and could you let me know if you are happy for me to mention your children by say, christian name and surname initial in future postings (as in JillyHL).  If you would rather I didn't I will naturally respect that.

So that's it for this time but keep in touch.  Good writing, all.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Hello And Welcome

This blog is to celebrate the Addiscombe Young Writers group.  In it I will keep parents up to date on what is going on, mark the achievements of the members and make myself available to any questions or enquiries the Young Writers may have as they embark upon this exciting journey.

I was seven when I produced my first book.  I wrote it, illustrated it, designed a front cover for it and bound it.  It was entitled "The Little Actress" and anyone who was anyone was shown it - teachers, neighbours, Sunday School Teacher, aunts, uncles, cousins, schoolmates, complete strangers on buses.  It was read, handled, folded and passed round so often, it fell to pieces and I threw it away - much to my mother's fury.  But by by then I had created five sequels, only one of which remains.

I knew then I wanted to be a writer when I grew up and as I grew up, I embarked upon a very long and lonely apprenticeship.  Children and Writing in those days were synonimous with school.  Nobody expected a ten year old to stay home and write, they expected that ten year old to be outside playing 'in the fresh air'.  Consequently there was no way in; nobody to ask for help.

I know things are different now.  There are a lot more options for young would-be writers.  But helping them to find their way is my dream and I knew for months that I wanted to start a group that would encourage youngsters to once again reach for their pens and discover their creativity.  The question was how?

A few years ago, I ran a series of very successful Creative Writing workshops for seven to nine year olds in conjunction with my local library.  They were incredibly well attended with youngsters as young as five turning up to take part.  Each child was encouraged to create a book that they could then take home with them and show with pride just as I had with The Little Actress all those years ago.

Popping into a new local coffee shop a few months back, I thought I'd ask owner and manager Amanda if she'd be interested in selling books by a local writer.  Something clicked, we got talking - and Addiscombe Young Writers was born. 

So a big hello and welcome to children and parents alike.  We have grasped the bull by the horns.  Now lets pepper this world with the next generation of J K Rowlings, Philip Pullmans and Julia Donaldsons.  |Let's get writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!